The Ago Ireti community in Ondo state remains the only functional leprasorium in southwest Nigeria but the inmates depend on the stipends they get from Ondo state government for survival. A visit by my organization discovered that the inmates are skilled in on trade or the other but with no or low patronage by the public for fear of being infected. This project aims at training the about 20 inmates on how to use social media to market their goods and services and to make them less dependent on government. They will learn how to use mobile for phones for blogging
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific population with whom you will be working.
I shot a documentary in this community about a year ago and found out these needs. These people are underrepresented and they have not heard a voice since the establishment of the community. I understand that the traditional media outlets have underreported their stories and I think this is the right time for them to join in the new media train. Ago Ireti is a community of about 60 people (parents and their children) 15 males and 5 females will be needed for the training for the first phase who will in turn train others. They have children who use mobile phones to access Facebook, twitter, blogs etc but the older ones whom the training is meant are not advanced users
Who else will be on your team to help implement the project?
Principally, OndoTv (a private online TV co-founded and where I serve as the Principal Manager will be the primary channel for promoting this initiative. The following platforms will also partner with us;
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
At the end of this training, participants will have learnt how to use social media to promote their goods and services, to process information within the community and use it for public consumption.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established or plan to establish that will contribute to the success of the project.
In 2013, OndoTv shot a documentary called dining with lepers with the inmates as its character. In doing this, we have already established a relationship with the community and we constantly report issues affecting the community. check out this project on
How many participants do you think will be trained in your project?
15 males and 5 females would be trained in the first phase with a repeat for the second and final phase. Prospective participants will be made to understand why they need to undergo the training and the effect on their community.
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
We are a private TV (online) with the largest reach in Ondo state and some parts of the southwest. Web content management skills, photo-sharing and editing skills. With this, participants will be equipped with skills needed to be self reliant and they can carry on with or no further training.
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
There is a 100-seater capacity hall located about a kilometer from the community. The space is well lit and it's close to the community. 10 computers, a projector and 1 MTN internet dongle
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
The community is located about 2 kilometers from my residence and it will interest you to know this is where I worship every sunday. As the co-founder of OndoTv, I constantly report issues relating to the community and I have done a documentary on the history and activities of the inmates
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
The only challenge I envisage is the participants’ level of internet. This would be overcome with training and re-training and that is why the training will be in 2 phases.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
The project will be measured in terms of reach. how many people are patronizing these participants, how regularly do they access the platform
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2014?
June 2014 – First phase of the training
August 2014 – Second phase of the training
Detail a specific budget of up to $2,500 USD for operating costs.
Cost Implication for the phases of the training
Event centre – $150 = $300
Hiring 10 computers (2 phases) – $176*2 = $352
Projector – $58 *2 = $116
Refreshment (breakfast and launch) – $176 = $352
Internet – $94
Generator – $58*2 = $116
Coordinator expenses – $100 *3 = $300
Besides the microgrant funding, what other support can Rising Voices provide for your project to ensure its success?
It is to collaborate with international online news media to create awareness and promote stories and the new platform they will be creating. Rising Voices can help us reach out to its partners such as bloggers who can will in promoting the initiative.
Contact name
John Paul Akinduro