Uganda has the highest rate of youth in the world. 77% are between the ages of 15 and 24 years. However, 83% are unemployed due to the lack of vocational skills and youth with disability face the toughest challenges. We will train 10 youth with hearing impairment in videography and community leadership with our popular training called Citizen Journalism and Community Entrepreneurship. They will learn how to use photography and videography to document successful and practical solutions to self-employment and share them with other disabled youth for inspiration and instant replication.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific population with whom you will be working.
Youth with disabilities are often marginalized in developing countries and have limited access to opportunities for skills and career development. This project will be carried out in collaboration with Deaf Ministries International. The organization brings together deaf youth from Kampala slums to engage in different empowerment activities like music and drama. We showed different practical solution videos to the deaf youth at the center. After watching the videos they requested for a special training to produce videos using sign language that are specific to them. 30 youth with basic computer knowledge will go through a short 3 day training and learn how to use cameras, interviewing and editing. They will make learning videos on locally created solutions to disabled youth employment.
Who else will be on your team to help implement the project?
The project will be implemented by the Sawa World Uganda Team:
1. Sheila Ampumuza, Operational Director
2. Stephen Ssempala, Film Director
3. Nathan Binomugisha, Youth Reporter
4. Emmanuel Kalyebi , Partnership Coordinator
5. Denis Onen, Film Director, Kampala Film School
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The youth will produce two ten minute solution videos that show the inspirational stories
of youth with disability that have come out of poverty using very simple and practical
locally created skills and knowledge and are selfless enough to empower other people
in the community. The videos will be a practical step-by-step training video on the
featured solution. The videos will be shared in other centers for youth with disabilities
in Uganda, shared in the national media and posted on the Sawa World website,
Facebook, Twitter and Linked in pages.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established or plan to establish that will contribute to the success of the project.
We are proud partners with the following organizations that will also collaborate in the
proposed project:
1. Deaf Ministries International (identification of the youth)
2. National Union of Disabled Persons Uganda (identification of youth)
3. Kampala Capital City Authority, Directorate of Gender and Social Development
(replication of program to other city centers for youth with disabilities)
4. NTV Uganda (share the solution videos on national television)
5. CBS Radio (raise awareness of the project on national radio)
6. The Daily Monitor Newspaper (publish a cover story on the project’s results)
How many participants do you think will be trained in your project?
The project will train 10 youth with hearing impairment. The youth will be given access
to post their content on the Sawa World Facebook,Twitter and Vimeo sites. The youth
will also form a Sawa World Club that will work with the Sawa World Outreach Team
to identify and suggest new solutions that they have discovered. The Club will also
monitor the replication of the solutions among the group members.
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
• Flip cameras
• Lapel microphones
• Tripods
• Still cameras
• Projector
• laptops
• Editing using Adobe premiere pro
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
The training will take place at a small conference room at the Sawa World Kampala
Offices. Sawa World will provide 10 cameras that will be shared among 10 youth.
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
Sawa World is a highly respected and globally awarded NGO that uses a unique
approach to self-empower the most vulnerable. Sawa World believes that solutions
to extreme poverty already exist in the communities of people that live in poverty.
We believe and have witnessed that by simply creating awareness of these existing
sustainable solutions, the livelihoods of many poor communities can instantly be improved.
During the last three years in Uganda we documented and shared, using media and the
power of youth, ,simple and locally created practical solutions to over 12,000 people.
This has led to instant replication of these solutions and improved livelihoods among the
youth reached.
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
The likely challenges when undertaking this training will be effective communication
between the deaf youth and the trainers especially during the practical sessions. To
overcome this challenge plan to hire three sign language interpreters to help the trainers
in communication. The experience of working with diasable youth by one of our
senior film trainers,Denis Onen, will also assist in overcoming this challenge.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
This project will be successful if the youth that go through the program feel empowered
to document (on short video) share and replicate solutions to poverty that already exist
in their own communities.
We will undertake surveys before and at the beginning and end of the training to check
the progress of each youth. Surveys will further be done on a monthly basis to track
the replication impact of the solutions videos among the youth trained and among the
members of the established Sawa World Clubs.
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2014?
Tasks Time line
1) Identifying students to undertake program 1st week of June
2) Planning training and developing manuals 2nd week of June
3) Printing manuals and setting up venue 2nd week of June
4) 2 day in class training 3rd week of June
5) 1 day Field Practicum 3rd week of June
6) Graduation, presentation solution videos, survey 3rd week of June
7) Formation of the Sawa World Club 1st week of July
8) Club activities In July, August, September,
October, November.
9) Submitting project impact report December
Detail a specific budget of up to $2,500 USD for operating costs.
Activity Quality Calculation Total USD
Trainers fees 3 trainers $100 x 3 x 3days $900
Printing of manuals 10 $5 x 10 manuals $50
Stationery $50 $50
Hiring of venue 3 days $50 x 3 days $150
Hiring projector 1 $25 x 1 x 3 days $75
Hiring sign language 3 $25 x 3 days x 3 $225
Snacks and drinks 3 days $50 x 3 $150
Internet 2 modems $50 X 2 $100
Servicing and $200 $200
Total Budget $2,500
Besides the microgrant funding, what other support can Rising Voices provide for your project to ensure its success?
1) Provide media advisors that can advice on creating an interactive video web portal for youth with disabilities and other vulnerable youth.
Contact name
Daphne Nerderhorst, Founder Sawa World
Sawa World