The “Griot from generation to generation” project aims to articulate cultural and historical actions, for storytelling by generations, evening parties, culinary past and media samples reminiscent of this trajectory in Parelheiros. Creating a collection of stories that families Afro-indigenous and Japanese, German, consisting of a large portion of the residents, in order to show that these stories were just forgotten. The project aims to contribute to this culture isn’t lost in time. It is hoped the project, extend the knowledge of these cultures that still few know.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
São Paulo
Describe the specific population with whom you will be working.
Afro-Brazilian, German, indigenous families and descendants of the founders of Japanese neighborhoods
Teenagers and young students of Parelheiros’ public schools.
The project will be developed in the region of Parelheiros. The region, mostly rural, has important environmental heritage that needs to be preserved and can transform into fate of tourism and leisure of metropolis, an environmentally and economically sustainable. Stand out as strong points of the region: the) area with important environmental heritage (environmental protection area APA Bororé-Colônia and APA Capivari-Monos) and cultural (German, indigenous communities, Afro-Brazilian, Japanese and northeast); b) potential for greater agricultural area of the municipality; c) sustainable tourism development potential.
Who else will be on your team to help implement the project?
Will be on team Escritureiros (writing of Parelheiros Adventurers); young articulators; consultants: in the areas of Afro-Brazilian literature and Reading (Neide Almeida) Communication (Fernanda Pompeu, Rede Rua Association and Viração Magazine), literature and Popular culture (Giba Pedroza), Museum (Museu da Pessoa), Arts (Valdirene da Rocha). The fanpage on Facebook Community library reading Paths already owns approximately 500 followers
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The historic recovery of residents of Parelheiros highlighting Afro-Brazilian culture, German, Japanese and Indian videos “+ deUMinuto” (pun of MoreThanOneMinute in Portuguese) of easy ad on social networks and in exhibitions, changing the image of the region Bigot
1. Retrieve the stories and cultures afro-brasileiranordestina, German, Japanese and indigenous in the region of Parelheiros;
2. Search the typical culinary of each Afro-Brazilian afro-brasileiranordestina, German, Indian culture and Japanese culture;
3. Create visual record of the information and materials collected for cultural shows;
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established or plan to establish that will contribute to the success of the project.
We already have partnerships with State schools: E.E. Profª Manhães Belkice Reis, E.E. Profº Joaquim Álvares Cruz, E.E. Lucas Roschel Rasquinho and E.E. Profª Renata Menezes dos Santos; with Basic Health Units (UBS) of the region of Parelheiros; and Early Childhood Education Centers (CEI). These partnerships assist in proliferation of design and in the formation of other young people.
How many participants do you think will be trained in your project?
Will be directly the Escritureiros, students of these schools and educators and, indirectly, the population of Parelheiros. According to the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), approximately 133,643 inhabitants of the region. And how the project will spread via the internet, we cannot forget other people, from other neighborhoods, who are interested in the subject.
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
The Bulletin Board is one of the most efficient and accessible forms of communication. Is dynamic and makes room for a laundry list of information. Worthy of a visual production with various graphics capabilities, the Bulletin Board works as part of the overall planning of information. We want the population to know and cherish their stories. In addition, we may use various other media such as pictures and digital videos on YouTube, in blogs, Facebook or in folders.
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
We have in Biblioteca Comunitária Caminhos da Leitura, the library, four computers (three PCs and a laptop) with 500 MB of internet speed, but we would like to improve the connection cabling – there is for a computer, the other we’d connect by wireless. In addition, we have the computers sharing by partners in schools, basic health units (UBSs), Early Childhood Education Centers (CEIs) and other partners organizations.
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
The Escritureiros group, that I belong, arose when the IBEAC reached Parelheiros in São Paulo to work with social projects. At first, we participated in a project to rewrite the articles of Human Rights in a more accessible language. In 2009, we received training in “mediation of reading”, Bulletin Board and creative writing. In 2010, we, on their own initiative, formed other teenagers. Over the years the Escritureiros have done mediation from reading to more than 2,000 children and adolescents, reopened the school library and disseminating the knowledge gained in the project for their educators. In 2011, the Escritureiros held evening parties and parades. Increasingly the Group has contact with more young people and cultural productions that open new perspectives.
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
The ideal is to think of ways to introduce innovative and collective design. The barriers are things that should be provided for, having a plan B is always important. Also discuss how and what to do, multiheaded thinking, makes it much easier.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
The project is one of the specific objectives that people know and appreciate the cultural miscegenation by means of citizen media. Actions will be aimed at promoting the social and cultural development of communities, encouraging their participation and integration in the community's actions and the establishment of partnerships with other institutions. A way of measuring the impact of the project is to verify the access control via social networks and conduct interviews or other research. Know the stories and culture of the residents of Parelheiros may become better the way we know the cultural and historical diversity, overcoming obstacles and reduce any kind of prejudice who lives in the suburbs, can bring improvements since the preservation of history to teaching in the classroom.
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2014?
In at least one year, we set up a schedule for organizing the work:
Bimonthly research about the residents; bimonthly conversations with residents and institutions; weekly meetings for the Organization of the actions of the project; approached; biannual meeting to evaluate the steps to monitor the results and perform the necessary adjustments; quarterly all rewrite stories told by inhabitants; quarterly revenue organizations dictated by these residents; preparation of catalogue with photos of each resident interviewed with their recipes on a quarterly basis; creation of at least four evenings a year to expose the digital recordings in a conversation with residents interviewed and community; and creating outreach arts and printing of art; bimonthly interviews with residents; transcription of the interviews in the month after the realization; bimonthly meetings with an expert on the subject.
Detail a specific budget of up to $2,500 USD for operating costs.
The budget will be directed to the applicant who will work on proliferation and firmly in the main actions of the project.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other support can Rising Voices provide for your project to ensure its success?
Material resources, financial and human are from other actions undertaken by the proponent and by the group.
Contact name
Tamiris Melo dos Santos
Olá, Tamires
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