Proposals Brazil

Brazil: Griot – From Generation to Generation

  April 15, 2014

The “Griot from generation to generation” project aims to articulate cultural and historical actions, for storytelling by generations, evening parties, culinary past and media samples reminiscent of this trajectory in Parelheiros. Creating a collection of stories that families Afro-indigenous and Japanese, German, consisting of a large portion of the residents, in order to show that these stories were just forgotten. The project aims to contribute to this culture isn’t lost in time. It is hoped the project, extend the knowledge of these cultures that still few know.

Brazil: Boca do Mundo

  April 14, 2014

We wish to publish online an e-book about Boca de Rua, which has been for nearly 14 years the only newspaper written and sold by homeless people in the world. We also pretend to develop a series of workshops in order to integrate the redaction group of Boca de Rua to the edition/promotion process. Besides introducing to a new media (internet) the street population of Porto Alegre – where Boca de Rua has been edited since 2000 – our project aims to encourage other groups of any country and city to tempt a similar experience.

Brazil: Rights and Communication for Indigenous Women

  April 14, 2014

Two women, an indigenous lawyer and cyberactivist, and a master on ethnic-journalism visit 08 indigenous communities in Northeast Brazil, to conduct workshops on ethinicjournalism, women's rights and indigenous rights. One network already exists through the project “By Indigenous Women” which develop women meetings inside Thydêwá NGO headquarters. The women asked for workshops within their communities. We are going to do about 40 hours workshops on Rights and Ethnic-journalism in each community, directly affecting 160 indigenous women and indirectly 80,000.

Brazil: Unconscious Memories

  April 14, 2014

This project has as its goal to provide for psychiatric patients in the public hospital psychiatric Centro Psiquiátrico do Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ) tools for photographing his everyday life, the activities at the hospital and the historic port city, where is located the CPRJ. The award-winning Brazilian photographer Walter Firmo will give a workshop for patients, including theoretical and practical classes. The project aims to empower patients, collaborate with the therapeutic work developed with the psychiatric patients and create a unique photographic memory about the region.

Brazil: This is Santa Marta

  April 14, 2014

The ‘This is Santa Marta’ project consists in an audiovisual production workshop, to be held for the visual core of Ong Social Attitude, with ten young people in this poor community in Rio de Janeiro. As a practical exercise we will produce a web reality with the residents of the community. We use digital technology in capturing and editing images and beyond the display on a web channel, we will also views the program as the film club Ong community.

Brazil: Cidadão Conectado – Youth Voices Challenge

  April 14, 2014

Cidadão conectado is one of the projects of Politiquê, a group that aims to make politics interesting and accessible to everybody. We want to engage a new generation of citizens on the political debate, offering unbiased and nonpartisan information and training. To excite teenage students to rethink politics, we want to propose a citizen challenge: they will have to identify, comprehend and solve a problem within their own community. We want to show them the online tools for public participation and train them to use the internet as a new debate arena, where they can tell their own stories.

Brazil: Rural Communication – and Far Becomes Close

  April 14, 2014

The current proposal refers to work with the rural youth about public communication made by the community, for the community. The objective is, to recapture the roots of their stories and to narrate these by audio podcasts and in the local radio as well as to encourage those young people to form a managing group of a communal radio, which is also responsible for the communication with Rising Voices. Realizing the activities using free software, we have the intention to instruct the recording techniques, the audio edition and the publication on internet.

Brazil: E nos! Two Realities, the Same Society

  April 14, 2014

E nos ! is a project of citizenship and exchange through different realities. On the one hand a group of youth in an urban favela, on the other hand young people of a rural community. Each one with their experience and their social discrimination, but both lack represented in the political context. The project wants to open the minds, to build understanding of the Brazilian society trough the construction of a debate with plural voices, in order to form the youth to cultivate a critical opinion as conscious citizens.

Brazil: Ecommunicators of Bodoquena

  April 11, 2014

Collect a large amount of used cooking oil, supplied by schools and restaurants of Bodoquena-MS/Brazil city and transform this residue into liquid or solid soap through a course provided for the local community. Alongside we offer blog, radio, signaling workshops, involving participants in a big campaign to raise the community’s enviroment awareness. It is intended to empower low-income people by providing an economic incentive (selling soap), thus also contributing so the oil is not disposed of incorrectly and invinting them to be multipliers of the enviromental message.

Brazil: Bonito Ecommunicators

  April 10, 2014

The Bonito-MS/Brasil city is internationally known as “the capital of ecotourism”, in spite of garbage left in the open, no sanitation, no care for nature outside the tourist attractions and local population being excluded from the development process. The proposed project intends to give voice to this marginalized population, and find images, sounds and words that represent their stories and needs. It aims to make weekly posts on a blog, considering that the productions will be made by the community and by the Bonito Ecommunicators, which will be multipliers of the workshops they are partici