Proposals Brazil

Brazil: Osijê Dúdú ” Mensageiro Preto”

  April 10, 2014

“The history of blacks in our country, espraiando up for all dimensions of human existence, was founded in an inhuman capitalism anchored in slavery, racism and the exclusionary rule. This project aims through practical workshops in radio, audio editing, podcast and use of the voice as an instrument of communication, the Maroons can make use of the radio to go beyond just the use of communication tools with digital interface area and computer network, help people to approach and access databases and information repositories, breaking boundaries and barriers of time and space.

Brazil: Descubra Lençóis

  April 9, 2014

This project tends to create a mobile app with historical and cultural information about the historical city of Lençóis, Bahia, Brasil (protected by Unesco ). We will develop this app together with the youth leaderships at the region and it will help them to increase their digital and historical knowledge. We are sure that locals and tourists using this app will have an easier access to the historical facts and backgrounds of the interesting diamond history. This includes historical houses, museums, churches, squares and main cultural events, etc.

Brazil: History Manufacturers

this project is intended to enable people from the community of the Vazanteiros, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, to tell their story for the fist time. little is already known about them and most of this knowledge come from outsiders, such as scholars and all sorts of researchers, a knowledge that might not be very detached from their own interests. In this project we may teach this people to operate a photo camera, as well as basic exposure and composition notions, in order to get them to tell us, trough photography, what they really are, and what good theirs way of living does to the environment.

Brazil: Youth the Margins of São Francisco River

  April 9, 2014

The Youth Project Margins of the São Francisco River aims to enable young people to use social media, focusing on the production of a documentary. This in turn will meet the youth who live on the banks of the São Francisco River, their stories, problems and especially their life stories. The project will also promote the creation of various social media to encourage youth participation in decision facing the social, environmental and cultural issues of the São Francisco River.

Brazil: Health and Respect – Rights for All

  April 8, 2014

Promote actions to improve the health care system and reduce inequalities in access to these services, providing expert for people with physical disabilities in situations of social vulnerability assistance, ensuring quality service with innovative methods simple and inexpensive. End discrimination, beyond ensuring the enforcement of rights and full exercise, ensuring participation and inclusion in society, equality and opportunity in order to deal with its challenges, improve urban mobility and accessibility for people with disabilities.

Brazil: Experimental Video for Teenagers

  April 8, 2014

This project aims to provide training and support to adolescents from São Francisco Xavier community and region, to learn how to use online media to tell their story. As a result, we hope to empower participants to create experimental videos independently and start an online video channel for the local community. This channel will be used to rescue and spread the local culture and history, drawing attention to critical issues to the community. We hope to involve adolescents and young adults in the activities and enable some participants as instructors, allowing more continuity to the project.

Brazil: Vukapanávo – Go Ahead II

  April 7, 2014

This project resulted from a workshop held in 2012 with indigenous Terena-Brazil. In the workshop participants produced videos showing the non-indigenous elements of their culture, trying to deconstruct prejudicial thoughts. The result was positive and currently there is a request for more activity. Now the focus is on young people living in indigenous villages in this municipality, which through non-verbal language (graphics), with verbal language, will tell the story of their lives, the community and combat militancy erroneous messages of mass media.

Brazil: Minha Identidade – Meu Bairro / My Identity – My Neighborhood

  April 4, 2014

Lauro de Freitas (Bahia-Brazil) present urban violence because of drug trade. This situation compromise the social harmony and the living together, laid the citizen’s life on the line, especially of the more vulnerable group as young, black and suburbs people. In 2013 the city was the VIII Municipality for youth vulnerability to the violence. For that the Project want to help these teenagers to empowerment their history and their identity, through the creation of a video where all the community will be involved. They are the actors that can change their life.

Brazil: Forgotten Heroes

  April 2, 2014

This project has for purpose register through media the Indigenous city of origin as Gurupí Tocantins Brazil were forgotten that the few with civilazcao, interest, and get registered history of a tribe that became instinta city and few know your history.

Brazil: Lights, Camera, Citizen

  March 26, 2014

The Project light, camera, citizen, aims to promote democratization of access to audiovisual knowledge, promote protagonists actions. Through free workshops, adolescents in fulfillment of socio- educational measures in freedom in the city of Teixeira de Freitas – BA, teenagers sheltered home in Casa Sagrada Familia, Eradication of Child Labour, NGO ASSELIAS, Projovem teenager. During the project young people learn to use the film as a portrayal of reality . In workshops adolescents, besides the theoretical part, has contact with software for video editing.