Proposals Moldova from April, 2014

Moldova: Youth Power

  April 14, 2014

TEKEDU NGO will implement a five months project that will contribute to the level of ICT Education of children, aged between 11 and 17, from 3 residential homes in Moldova, thus increasing their participation through online presence. The NGO will organise theoretical and motivational presentations, delivered by bloggers, IT freelancers and social entrepreneurs from Moldova. After 2 months of presentation we will launch a mentorship programme for children to receive additional knowledge on how to create their own blog and how to administrate it.

Moldova: Access of Young Citizens to Public Information, Promovation of Local NGO Thru Blogging Process

  April 8, 2014

Project Goal :Ensuring the promotion of local NGOs and youth in the community with blogs, which will establish relations of cooperation with NGOs in the country and abroad. Objectives: O1. After a year of the project representatives of 10 local NGOs will be able to compile and serve their own blog, which will establish relations of cooperation with NGOs in the country and abroad; O2.After a year of the project 100 young people from the community will have their own blog, which will establish relations of cooperation with young people in the country and abroad; O3.After a year of the proj