Proposals Pakistan
Pakistan: Citizen Journalism through Digital Media
Swat remained in the news due to militancy in 2008-09. Hundreds of people lost their lives & more than two millions were forced to leave their homes. Now the peace...
Pakistan: Community Journalist for Raising Community Voice
This project is aim to help community to raise their issues by using social media through their young community leaders emerging as a community journalists, 15 young people as a...
Pakistan: Sanitary Workers Rights movement in AJK
Sanitary workers are the poorest persons and are victimized by the local communities, concerned departments for the tough working hours, low wages, temporary employment,social and cultural exclusion,political victimization.Being the most...
Pakistan: Awaz Program (Voices Program)
JAAGO FOUNDATION is working on the basic rights of women and young girls in Pakistan. Firstly, through the customs, traditions and the tribal system here restrict women's rights is called....
Pakistan: Pakistan's Sweeter Side
We hope to create a one stop repository to learn, connect and share with the online community the other side of Pakistan. We will explore our culture, food, language, arts,...
Pakistan: Turning Tears of Silence into Voices
We propose community journalism training focusing on child marriages in Pakistan and train young community journalists to use digital media to report the cases and stories of child marriages. The...
Pakistan: Capacity Building on Minority Rights
The term minority rights come from human rights. Human rights are, as such, the foundation of minority rights. The Members of minority communities have all human rights because we all...
Pakistan: Ark & NLSS Club Voices
Project is to provide children with opportunities to express themselves or bring to light to issues important to them and their own communities through photography, writing, blogging and networking by...
Pakistan: Advocacy and Awarenesses About Human Rights Education
5,000.peoples are aware by social media and 2,000. peoples are aware by map and workshop training ,
Pakistan: Use of Social Media, Online Media, Blogging, Effective Content Writing
The project will train 50 young women from the college and university level. The social media is the new emerging tool through which the girls can address the problems and...