· April, 2014

Proposals Ukraine from April, 2014

Ukraine: Summer Film School

  April 14, 2014

Purport of this project is to teach participants create qualitative and original video content (especially to create personal channels on videohostings ) . In this participants of the project will...

Ukraine: School Radio Space

  April 10, 2014

School Radio Space is an educational project for students of school in province Ukrainian city Kremenchuk. Main aims of project are activation of local school youth communities, teaching youth of...

Ukraine: You Have a Right to Know

  April 9, 2014

This project proposal aims at facilitating access to the Internet vulnerable groups (people with disabilities and older people ). The project covers the development of the three important areas. First...

Ukraine: My District

  April 9, 2014

The goal of this project is the active involvement through internet of the Obolon district residents into improving their living conditions.In order to achieve that goal we will create a...