Proposals Arts & Culture

Brazil: Griot – From Generation to Generation

  April 15, 2014

The “Griot from generation to generation” project aims to articulate cultural and historical actions, for storytelling by generations, evening parties, culinary past and media samples reminiscent of this trajectory in...

Peru: The Song of my Ancestors Online

  April 15, 2014

We want to have a website in order to register and recall Andean music in the central region of my country, Peru, with the participation of the families and institutions...

Vanuatu: Kalja Blong Mi

  April 15, 2014

This project aims will train 20 youth representatives from different communities and cultural groups in Port Vila to use citizen media to research and document their unique cultures, customs and...

Bolivia: SW Chaski (Incas Messenger) Keep Running

  April 14, 2014

The project involves the recovery, restoration, classification and production of a digital archive of a part and some sections of the children's magazine “The Chaski” published in Bolivia between the...

Macedonia: Roma Culture Online

  April 14, 2014

Nowadays, the internet started to become a multicultural storage place containing information of various nations, cultures, customs and identities. Living in the age of the internet, vulnerable groups such as...

Brazil: Unconscious Memories

  April 14, 2014

This project has as its goal to provide for psychiatric patients in the public hospital psychiatric Centro Psiquiátrico do Rio de Janeiro (CPRJ) tools for photographing his everyday life, the...

Brazil: This is Santa Marta

  April 14, 2014

The ‘This is Santa Marta’ project consists in an audiovisual production workshop, to be held for the visual core of Ong Social Attitude, with ten young people in this poor...

Kenya: Africa Stories Project

  April 14, 2014

This is a project that aims to bring back to life oral narratives and folk tales as told to us by older generations by archiving and sharing them via an...