· March, 2014

Proposals Freedom of Expression from March, 2014

Pakistan: Go Big!

  March 20, 2014

#GoBig will be a social media activity where people will be using different social mediums, slogans and pictures to highlight the injustice and corruption we are facing in Pakistan. Its...

Uganda: Buluba Speaks

  March 18, 2014

“Buluba Speaks” is for Training lepers on how they can express themselves using podcasts. These podcasts will cover stories and explore ways of reuniting these people with their families and...

India: Unlocking Potentials of Children Living in Abject

  March 18, 2014

Community projects of ‘Suri Natun Juger Pratyasha’ focuses on empowerment of children (and mothers) through awareness creation, bringing them under the network of education through non-formal education. In addition, sporadic...