When Women of Minya blogging on #Jan25

Orzqyat El Sa'aieed's team carried out the second workshop for the same group of girls from Banat El Reef Association in El Dawadiya Village for 3 days from 5_7 May 2011, another laptop, and internet connection flashes were provided.

The ladies were trained on how to launch their own blog, sign in, posting on it and uploading pictures for their posts,  and  here some  of  the training pictures

Training Dawadia ladies on blogging


Also they  took some instructions on how to transfer  the pictures and videos  from the camera to the lab top,  and  how  to  create  folders and  transfer or copy  their  data, how to create  word document .

And  the  surprise was the pictures that girls took  it  through the period  between the first  and   the  second  workshop ,  some  girls and some of their  friends took it , they are fabulous  , you  can  see them here

As usual  the girls issued very strong  topics and express very  truly feelings, they wrote about  gas  prices after  the  revolution in this posts,  another  one by Heba  addressing  the lack of healthcare  system  the post title  is  The Deteriorating Health Care

All of the girls  were taking by  the revolution and they  start  ask about it and  chose to write about  it that’s why we make a post  “trialed one”   titled “ girls and the revolution” some of them wrote  their  feelings about  the revolution.

During the trip, we made a short   round in the village and some women were interviewed with participating from Orzaqyat program trainees during the interviews by taking pictures, asking questions or writing posts and uploading them on the blog.

Here   some  of the  interviews , as  we  ask  Daweddya  women  about  the  role of  woman  after  the  revolution and how they see the political participation  of  women:



Try Women and watch what they can do


Samar and political talks


Orzyat's team produced two manual. The first one is about photography and how to use the camera. The second is about blogging, how to create the blog and how to publish posts through it, here the link for the blogining manual

Please Note:this report was written by Dina Elmagrabi a member of the project's team in New Women foundation
blog posts translated:by Ereany Zarif - a volunteer in New Women Foundation

Visualizing women's rights a training discover you creativity !!

.Info design, images, animation, and mapping are kinds of visual tolls we can use to intensive advocacy for women rights campaigns.

During a very inspiring three days with visualizing women's rights team in feynan – Jordan 2010, I was lucky to participate in a such creative training. I knew before that this training is aiming to learn activists to think in a creative ways for their issues, but when I had the chance to participate I found that my background was very poor according to what the training team provided.

I consider that info design the track which most of time I participated in was really surprising me. In Egypt there is always a problem with information, to get information, to understand information, with info design we not only simplified information but also call audients to engage with information, by calling their questions and comments to the states of right.

Images & animations track was also surprising especially when I saw other participants create their animations by them selves, a quick fantasy animations on marital rape and deluge skills were produced.

Please check the link

Images can tell more than words and speeches , this is one of facts visualizing women's rights prove.., in this training we learned how to chose supportive images and how to use it to advocate for our cases.

Mapping was the third track., although it looks a very difficult track, but how much we need to learn how to use mapping in our work .., I consider mapping as a resources collection tool in a very easy and eye catching way, it is a kind of a guide to references, data with a comparative reading.

The most magnificent fact that a such training  discovered the individual creative potentiality to the all interested participants, and add a new perspective to freedom of expression.

I came back to my foundation with lots of ideas to put visualizing our campaigns as common element in our programs, such as women being judge in Egypt Cedaw and equality with reservation, and women day by day.

A video spot with Stephanie the executive director of visualizing women's rights speaking about the importance of info design as visualizing tool to strength a advocacy

how to visualize your campaign video spot.

post with photos and videos on banat tiba blog www.tebaa.wordpress.com

out puts of the first training

At the end of  last September 23:25 , An intensive training of three days had been conducted with our target group, the girls of Dawadia village in El-mina, about 10 trainees have got the training on blogging and photographing and video shoots.

At the beginning of the training, we conduct a brain storming session, listing the priorities topics to write on. Frankly, they mention tens of different issues they would like to express them selves about.


Beginning with bread availability till health care and the right to get faculty education !! this was very wide space to write, and with lot is of details. Actually, they were very willing to write and express them selves, we didn't want to control their motivation of writing, but we set up agreement with them, that let us write in panorama ways this month, write about what they want for October, and after that together we will choose a kind of right to dedicate writing on it, and explaining the forms of violating it ..

About 16 posts had been uploaded as a first harvest of this training, all are focuses on different issues in the village and all are addressing women equality and empowerment in rural areas. You can find a list of English posts on the blog. Focuses on diffract facts in the village.. work , health , marriage , housing and education, all of these posts were written and uploaded by girls them selves.

Also we create a list of sources on economic and social rights & the convention of eliminating all forms against women CEDAW, and number of reports on rural women in Arabic, soon we will create the same in English..

Also we create a list of links to networking the blog with other interested websites, anther list is about the upper Egypt in news.

Also we create 3 pages, about the project with all common links on rising voices website, the second page is about the participant foundations Bent El Reaf , rising voices and New women foundation, the third pages is the team work of the project including the girls in Dawadia village.


the training provided  a hall day for photographing, they practices  them selves by photographing each other, but next visit we will be in the village it self and we will intensive the field training to help them to take photos in the village by them selves.

Flicker account was created and two sets of photos are available, one of them the training photos and the other is the paint which the girls did in anther project.

Video shoots

A channel on you tube by the name of the project ” orzqyat El-Said ” was created, and a video was uploaded, it is an interview with Mrs. Zenat speaking about the first training and the expected out put of the project.We hope we will provide a subtitle version of it soon.

Social networking

The blog had a profile on twitter right now and soon will be on face book, I think that the familiarity of the girls with social networking will increase next training.


I can't deny that the right of health was the top issues that girls would like to write and photograph and take video shoots about.

So next month we will dedicate more posts on the health states for women with video shoots with women them selves and doctors in the health unit, hospital and pharmacy.

Also, we hope to provide a legal add from other NGOs to the village's women who in need to insure their housing and making interviews with lawyers and women.

Also, we hope to meet more stick holders in the village to focus on women rights and link the village with decision makers.


It is a long way we have to walk but we took the first step. Please visit our blog. I hope to enjoy it, and we will plan to second training during the next weeks as and frequent visits are on the way.

Till next post



Tomorrow: Ringing the bell for our first training.

Tomorrow; we will ring the bell for our first training to Bent El-Reef association's  trainees, our partner in women day by day project.

Accumulating the info of the last post, through this project  we are targeting to provide (3) training workshops for (10) girls from El- Dawadia village in  El- Minya Upper Egypt (3) hours away from Cairo.

Bent El-Reef association is not a completely new partner for our team, we have a long history with El- Dawadia's women and girls before they had an association !!, In 2000 NWF  had an opportunity to implement a project called “Creative women in Shadow”. The project aimed to spot the light on rural women's creativities in narrating, folkloric songs, poetry, drawing and hand crafts.

This was a such great chance for both of us., not only for achieving the propose of the project but also for providing  the opportunity for raising awareness and advocating for women rights and equality concepts including reproductive health rights especially female genital mutilation, violence against women, and women labor in informal sector, which had an a great impact on El-Dawadia's women, it helps them to raise questions, think loudly, and put their hands on their forms of  discrimination.

Later,They began to ask for organizing them selves, anther foundation (better life) continued what we begin, they provided capacity building training and good governance training for a destitution number of El-Dawadia's women, till those women had the power to establish their non- governmental organization named (Bent El- Reaf) and officially announce them self.

(Bent El-Reaf) association mainly purpose is  developing the states of rural women in El- Dawadia. They already got a chance and be funded for friendly environment  projects for women also they adapt a project on HIV in the village.

Actually these all encourage us to continue and accumulate our partnership. Now they are a partner with us in one of rising voices projects in Egypt, and tomorrow (10) of them will have the first training on new media and women empowerment as a kind of social change.

Training workshop (capacity building and Agenda)

First: training capacity building

Last weeks, we had connections with ( the future eve association )  in El- Minya to rant a computer lab content (5) sets with internet access and a data show.

also we bought a computer and digital camera and an internet flash as first technical capacity building for the Bent El- Reaf association from this project .

Second: training agenda

The first day: 23 September
session (1)
: brain storming for priorities.

focuses on priorities issues: a brain storm to select the priorities issues, what kind of rights is intensively demanded and in need to advocate with blogging  posts, photographing and videos.
45 minutes

Coffee break

Session(2): create accounts for emails and chose the fit theme among five from wordpress.
(1 hour)


Session (3): get to know blog's widgets
(1) hours

Second day: 24 September
Session (1)
: photographing with working groups
(1  hour)

Coffer break

Session (2): video shooting with working groups
(1 hour)

Third day: 25 September

Session (1): uploading posts with photos and videos
(1 hour)

Cafe break

Session (2): social networking twitter and facebook page.

*Training stationary is available.( booklet, flipchart, Markers).

Waite for a daily feed back on training workshop with photos and videos, and be ready by the end of these three days to…,

1)      join “Orzaqyat El- Said” blog.
2)      Like “Orzaqyat El-said” page on facebook.
3)      Follow “Orzaqyat El- Said” on twitter.

wishing a successful training workshop.
