Prison Teaches Me

Prison teaches me the depth of criminality and tries to keep me out of touch with reality.

Prison teaches me that it is not like home away from home
Where you get tender care instead of fear

Prison teaches me wickedness, bitterness, madness, badness, sadness, selfishness, idleness, laziness, craziness and all kinds of ness that placed me in a mess.

Prison teaches me that it has no fundamental foundation to lay progress on.

Prison teaches me that when you enter its dwelling
Automatically you are no more a mind, soul or spirit
You are just a body waiting for the undertaker if you are not a good thinker.

Prison teaches me
That when you are release you are the least in society because there is a chip on your shoulder that labeled you as an ex-con so your only plan to the solution
For your sufferation is to commit another crime where you may end up doing another time for a crime

In earnestness, prison teaches me that when you return to society
You will be rejected by humanity
And that will affect your sanity

By: Byron Skitta Mesquita

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