Training in Serbian Web Journalism School supported by Rising Voices helped most of its students to change their career paths. Here is what some of them did after the training.
Every test is easy with FEST
During past weekend, the students of the second generation of The School of Web-Journalism took their final test by attending the last day of 37 FEST (film festival) in Belgrade. The students had a task to create an editorial office. The editor had to be in the office and journalists had their duties: to choose one film to watch on FEST, to attend press conference etc. Later they had to write about film and to attend press conference of the film “Here and there”, where they've made audio and video recordings.
Teasers kick directly in the head
During last weekend, Lidija Kujundžić talked with students of The School of Web-Journalism about importance of teaser in web writing. Under journalists premise „Kick reader in the head with – title” Lidija explained that substance of teaser is in only one, first sentence. Students were informed how to „hook” readers with a lot of title examples. After that, they begin to practice.
Different news about the same tragedy
After lecture of Sandra Jakovljević about Internet marketing, students of Second generation of the School of Web-Journalism had a practical lesson. They had to write their own news on the basis of CNN news about recent plane crash which took place in Buffalo, New York.
Facebook teaches about tolerance and helps in trouble
This weekend students of the Second generation of the School of Web-Journalism learned from the professor Danica Radovanovic what are the possibilities and the advantages of Facebook. Continue reading
Wiki inspires team work
The students of the Second generation of the School of Web-journalism have learned during last weekend the history of world base of knowledge – “Wikipedia”. Besides that, they have learned the skills of using and verification of online sources in making web-story. Considering that fact, “PBWiki” was presented as a concept for cooperation and team work. During the classes, the students wrote texts together by correspondence over “PBWiki”.
Maps and graphs “help” the story
Lethargy that rules Serbia: Genius wants to cure the cancer
„Lethargy that rules Serbia over the past several years” (decades?) was the topic of performance of Absolute Genius in The School of Web Journalism. The students interpreted on their own ways invite to philosophic debate about “Dicks intellectualism and toothless authorities” of Absolute Genius.
The role of photography in web-journalism and organization of the site using netvibes
During the weekend, students had two lessons after what they did practical work. On the first day, on December 27th, Ljubisa Bojic held the class about the role of photography in web journalism. After that, the students have set up the photographs which they made on flickr making on their own sites – slideshows. Continue reading
Good photographs in the middle of wonderland
American photograph and reporter Russell Gordon visited The School of Web Journalism last weekend again. Mr. Gordon lecture the class on the subject “„Photojournalism – Crash Course”.