Wiki inspires team work

The students of the Second generation of the School of Web-journalism have learned during last weekend the history of world base of knowledge – “Wikipedia”. Besides that, they have learned the skills of using and verification of online sources in making web-story. Considering that fact, “PBWiki” was presented as a concept for cooperation and team work. During the classes, the students wrote texts together by correspondence over “PBWiki”.

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Lethargy that rules Serbia: Genius wants to cure the cancer

„Lethargy that rules Serbia over the past several years” (decades?) was the topic of performance of Absolute Genius in The School of Web Journalism. The students interpreted on their own ways invite to philosophic debate about “Dicks intellectualism and toothless authorities” of Absolute Genius.

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The role of photography in web-journalism and organization of the site using netvibes

During the weekend, students had two lessons after what they did practical work. On the first day, on December 27th, Ljubisa Bojic held the class about the role of photography in web journalism. After that, the students have set up the photographs which they made on flickr making on their own sites – slideshows. Continue reading