After long waiting for the training , now EWAMT team are making the necessary preparation for the course , which will be conducted in 20-21/5/2009. We are intending to train 20 female activists in this month. the first training course will aim 10 trainees. The second one will be conducted in 27-28/5/2009, and will train 10 trainees too.
At the first,we faced a problem of finding a hall, however, now I can say that we found hall in NGO called “All Girls Association” it is really good to find a hall in association just for women because Yemen is conservative society, and females prefer to have the training in femininity environment.
Here are some press releases had been published in websites about the project.
There are some English sites and newspapers in Yemen will publish the pressrelease, but I think we will wait for them to publish it!!
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