Letter to the Youths

In the days of old, the question was asked: “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” It is a question that is probably still unanswered today. As it relates to Students Expressing Truth (S.E.T), we were yet widely awakened to the reality that although the bad may out number the good, there are still good people within the precincts of these wall. The good in individuals is never always a natural inclination but often through adoption. Therefore (S.E.T) possesses the real good qualities. We take on the responsibility of helping to mold someone else's life so they can realize their real worth as well as their true potential.

Very recently, I have witnessed the birth of a vibrant group out of (S.E.T) young and powerful people by virtue. Their love for mankind has motivated them to offer themselves for worthwhile service. Of course, we are humans with weakness, but it is important to bear in mind that when we have fallen because of a particular weakness, we must rise in him to meet the challenges which await us.

For some time (S.E.T) has been side tackled by the system. I believe that (S.E.T) should be given the power to effect the change in our inner cities and to listen to their problems, in order to find the best solutions possible.

Our aim is to take on the challenges of repairing the wounded, comforting the weak, giving hope to the hopeless and bridging the gap that exists among the various communities. We aim to avoid and resist at all costs, acts of violence and senseless killings. Youths in the inner cities, let us stop and think about our actions, our future, our children and loved ones in society… And to live a normal life again.

God bless you all

Yours truly,
Shawn Taylor

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