
Why is it that there are so many “why”s in black people life?
Have you ever questioned those why? Asking questions such as why this, why that, and what if?

“Why primary and secondary education can't be free?”
“Why are so many children carrying their mother last name?”
“Why is there no shelter for the shelterless?”
“Why is there not enough Medicine and nourishment for the needed and the sick?”
“Why can't all infants be cared for?”
“Why can't all the elderly be protected?”
“Why they have to make life so complicated?”

“Why some men have to rape and commit child abuse?”
“Why does religion and politics have to divide the world?”
“Why can't they stop building weapons of mass destruction?”
“Why our penal institutions breed brutality and crime?”
“Why so many people are unemployed?”
“Why so many of our policemen are cold-blooded murderers?”
“Why we as civilization have to kill each others?”
“Why the church don't stand up for truth and justice?”
“Why Mama and Papa pension can't come?”
“Why do they continue to practice racism?”
“Why there is no justice for the poor?”
“Why the truth hurts?”
“Why can't our nations unite?”
“Why they don't want to develop the garrisons?”
“Why does argument have to turn into a fight?”
“Why are so many individuals fighting for power and fame, and leaving others to die in exploitation, poverty, and pain?”
“Why corruption is the order of the day?”
“Why is there no cure for AIDS?”
“Why are so many children roaming the streets?”
“Why is it so many family can't find food to eat?”

Why are the questions so many and the answers few? What if you were in the governing seat? Your duty would be to created a growing economy with equal social opportunity, subsequently expose and remove all the dictators and power masters who are not concerned with the augmentation of black people life. Whose mission is all about money, power, war, and strife. However when they feel like they have it all, in fact, they have nothing at all. Many of these power masters are the scientist of warfare, banking, and statesmanship in “politricks”. They want us to love to hate, and hate to love. As black people we need to wake up, and take our rightful position, controlling our children's expectations and destiny. Moreover help to mold each other's in the right direction. Have you realize that we are the problem and the solution; we can't plant corn and expect to eat yam. Therefore, rise to the occasion and make a righteous stand as a black man. Because love and integrity is the sovereignty of life.

Every gully, every lane, every scheme, every corner, every street, every avenue, every crescent, and all positive man and woman incarcerated.
Liberation is for everyone!

By Norris Gordon.

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