Today we faced an unforeseen glitch: we planned the day´s activities without taking into account how slow the internet connection would be. Six participants showed up at the workshop: Alejandra, Yennifer, Angelo, Carolina, Miguel y Juan Manuel. Galo and Velvet accompanied Jorge and myself, assisting participants in many different ways.
According to what we had planned on our Spanish wiki, participants would create a googlereader account to read feeds, they would go out to the neighborhood and take pictures and open a flicker account with which we would work on uploading pictures from the cameras to the computers and then to the web. We were able to get mostly everything done, except the RSS reader. We fought and muddled through uploading pictures, and at least participants managed to get some things done.
We have the previously mentioned group flicker account here:
In spite of the slow connection, the network collapsing, 404 errors, pictures which wouldn´t show up and pages closing during uploads, participants did get their flicker accounts up and running and with some pictures. During the process, some pictures got lost between files, we are trying to locate them.
Participant´s flicker accounts:
What can be said is that independently of technical issues, pictures taken by participants turned out amazing, and those who could get them up on flicker felt quite proud to be able to put them on their blogs. Some even managed to get the java flickr banner on their blogs to show the latest pictures.
At the end of the session, we gave them homework: they would write up a participation contract: they will promise to write on their blogs, go to the lessons and catch up if they miss any session, as well as comply with established group goals.
They also picked a topic of the month: My experience with Hiperbarrio, of which they will have to write on their blogs.
Some of the pictures taken:
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