Argentina: Radio Los Inestables: More participation, less segregation

Radio Los Inestables attempts to train the project participants in the use digital tools in order to increase their active participation and self-management in every stage of broadcast production. To achieve this, we will provide workshops to teach them how to record and edit audio recordings. We will also give them trainning and mentoring in the use of social networks, so they will be able to share their productions with the broader community.


  • Sol Victoria del Carpio

    Compañeros/as!! Por algún error imprevisto la dirección de Facebook que incluimos en la propuesta esta mal escrita! Disculpas!
    Les dejamos la dirección correcta para que puedan ingresar y conocer la experiencia de trabajo de Radio Los Inestables:


  • Nancy Millenaar

    Radio Los Inestables le da voz a los que no pueden hablar,
    escucha a los que pocos escuchan,
    libera a los atados,
    poder hablar y ser escuchado libera y limpia.
    Aguante Radio Los Inestables y gracias.

  • Christian Espejo

    Radio Los Inestables, el mayor de los orgullos para todos los que alguna vez participamos de tan maravillosa experiencia. Mis felicitaciones y el mejor de los empujes para toda esta gente que, dia a dia, muestra al mundo que la voz como medio de expresion no conoce fronteras.

    Por mucho mas, Salud! “…veni flaco, juntate con los locos..”

  • Sol Victoria del Carpio

    Thanks a lot for your comments and your kindness! It’s amazing to share our experiencie with people from different countries, and we would love to continue with this feedbacks! Any doubts, questions or comments are welcome, and we will try to answer them as good as possible (considering our difficults in this lenguage!)

  • Sol Victoria del Carpio

    Hi! Because of some unexpected mistake, the Facebook adress we’have included in our proposal is wrong. You can find the correct Facebook adress below, so you can learn more about Radio Los Inestables experience:

    Best wishes
    Radio Los Inestables

  • irina

    Radio los inestables es un proyecto que logra contener a aquellos que la sociedad, normalmente excluye y estigmatiza, privándolos, de algo tan preciado como “la comunicación”.
    Gracias al trabajo que se realiza, a los talleres, la radio es un escape para todos los que se encuentran encerrados y juzgados, así como también, aprenden día a día aquellos que participan, teniendo la posibilidad de expresarlo al “afuera”, brindando una mejor calidad de vida y goce para todos los seres humanos!


  • Melisa Herranz

    Radio Los Inestables is an amazing communitary construction, that was built from the bases with the contribution of every voice involved in every radio programme. Each tuesday is a new emotion and a new challenge against prejudice and discrimination. It is the fairest and most coherent project I ever knew of. I wish you the best!

  • Mariana

    I´m very proud o these girls. The work they´ve been doing is realy admirable. With the help of this microgrant they would be able to go one step forward towards helping the “unheard” to rise their voices!

  • Zule

    It’s a great project in which its organizers have been working hard and have been doing good to many people with mental health problems. Good luck!

  • Maria Y

    This is a unique project. In the great search of ways to make this a better world, this people have developed in the past few years lots of good accomplishments. But only with commitment, perseverance, values, and, of course, a voice. This is the kind of social and community entrepreneurship we need as a society. Lets help them keep on with the hard work.

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