Create a Radio (internet and radio wave) and a network communication system for Rincón del Mar. Internet has arrive recently to this village. We will set up first a social Forum for Mariamulata Cultural Center, then an internet radio station open to local and communitarian use. The oral tradition and storytelling roots are rich as music and culture. How to take advantage of technology for empowerment and appropriation is what should be learn.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Corregimiento del Rincón del Mar, San Onofre, Sucre
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
In this afrocolombian community electricity took time to arrive with TV, then internet and cell phones but they are not trained to use computers. People are starting to learn how media and internet can be a source of knowledge and communication since Mariamulata exists. I visit this village since 1980 when there where no electricity. I collaborate with the small library since 12 years. We have learned and make important positive changes in there.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
Forums, local discussions, emergency and disaster information, research, agriculture, storytelling, traditional plants and medicine, sustainability and collaborative economy ‘barter’, local organisations, music composers, will be able to create they radio space to speak and discuss their projects, the cultural center has a lots of projects for children and young people going on, this will be the place for creation, difussion and networking.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Other tools
Servers, computers, opensource software, radio transmitters, radio receptors, audio live recordings
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
Mariamulata is the cultural center in Rincón del Mar, a caribean village. I started to collaborate with it 11 years ago since it existence. I created Laborincondelmar, a blog that helped me do networking and developped ideas to put in practice and socialize Mariamulata with : Makaia, Organizmo, LabSurLab, Red Caribe, unloquer, aLabs and other similar initiatives with similar goals: permaculture, empowerment, kids, culture, music, opensource tech.
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
A main group of 15-20 participants for the first and second workshop to set up the forum and make the radio station. Then the first participants will spread in other workshops and permanent training for all the people and kids involved closely with Mariamulata. They will be able to help organizing groups and create the radio programs. The space is ready with a digital room with some computers and servers in place just to be improved.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
Your support with the microgrant will be enought for this particular project.
But we are developing in paralel another project for ‘Mariamulata’. Different technologies join together this idea aiming to spread in the region, to make an example of sustainability. We hope that ‘Rincón del Mar’ will grown with ecological consciousness. Please visit the project and guess if Rising Voices want to be also involved : bibliotecamariamulatalectora.tumblr
Contact name
Paula Vélez Bravo
Laborincondelmar / Corporacion Mariamulata
It Will be marvelous this proyect for the comunity of rincón del mar
The children And teenagers Will have one espace To express them
This proyect makes a real social impact on the comunity. The persons behind it only have the goal of develop this one but keeping their beliefs and esence. A book doesn’t change a mind, but maybe a thougth would do it.
Hay varias propuestas en latinoamérica que también proponen radios comunitarias. Estaría buenísimo ponerlas en red con la Mariamulata.