Proposals Mobile Phones

Finalist – Mexico: Dizha Kieru for SMS

  April 2, 2013

We are proposing to work with a team of community FM radio operators from Dizha Kieru Radio in the indigenous Zapotec village of Talea de Castro, Oaxaca, Mexico to integrate...

Honduras: Vozz Honduras

  March 4, 2013

VOZZ is a citizen journalism election training project – it was implemented during Guatemala’s election in 2011 and El Salvador’s municipal election in 2012. Vozz will be launched in Honduras...

Brazil: Our Rivers Speak (ORS)

  March 4, 2013

Our Rivers Speak will record/broadcast the living memory and culture of Cabelo Seco, a community that lies between the dying Rivers Tocantins and Itacaiunas, gateway to the Amazon. Coordinated by...

Peru: My Community Voices

  March 4, 2013

The project will train Youth and Adults in digital content production of their own culture and as rural reporters. Within three days of training in Puno and continuous support through...