Proposals Digital Storytelling
Finalist – Colombia: Radio and Forum Mariamulata
Create a Radio (internet and radio wave) and a network communication system for Rincón. We will set up first a social Forum for Mariamulata Cultural Center, then an internet radio...
Finalist – Brazil: Building the Oral History of Brasilândia
Brasilândia, a slum in São Paulo, is known for it's extreme poverty and scarcity of resources. We want to develop an oral history and affective map of the neighborhood. A...
Finalist – Shooting Bolivia from Wikimedia Commons
Multimedia material of Bolivia within Wikimedia Commons are few. There are no images, audios or videos of historical places or towns and cities. In Bolivia, there are several groups of...
Finalist – Pakistan: IDPs Youth Media Project
This project will enable IDPs youth age 16-22 living in Jalozai IDPs Camp and host communities, to tell stories about themselves and their communities. By learning the documentary approach in...
Finalist – Burundi: Conn@cting People: Rural Internet Kiosk
Conn@cting People is a project which will connect rural people (with no electricity neither internet access at all) from a war-displaced camp to others all over the world. It is...
Finalist – Cyprus: From Our Perspective – Discussing Disability
The project will provide training to people with disabilities and their representative organisations in digital storytelling, aiming to empower participants with the skills to convey to the general public their...
Finalist – Mexico: The Mayan Voices of Popolá
Register the oral tradition capturing in image & video the daily life of Popolá, Mayan community of Valladolid, Mexico. Empowering children & adolescents in the use of a voice recorder...
Finalist – Kenya: WOES -Walking On Egg Shells
WOES-Walking On Egg Shells is an initiative that seeks to promote progressive re-integration of ex-prisoners in their communities through micro-blogging that will highlight their struggles to fit in the community.This...
Finalist – Romania: Transylvanian Online Cook Book
For the multicultural and multiethnic people from Transylvania is an urgent need to preserve their language, roots and traditional values, their way of living because we are constantly threatened by...
Finalist – Nepal: Travel Story Camp on Guerrilla Trek
Nepal is a mountainous land-locked country. Although its natural beauty is ever appreciated by all, tourism in Nepal is yet to be cultivated to match with its potentials. Inability to...