The project has two main stages: 1) Providing citizen media training to disable persons and enabling them ability to conduct training to transfer skills they gained to their peers. This will use ToT method and participants are expected to be able use handy came, do simple video and sound editing, and choose message to be delivered in the participatory-advocacy video. 2) Delivering citizen media training by and for disable persons. It gives opportunity to first-stage-participants to exercise their skills and produce an advocacy video with their groups targeted to policy makers.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
It closely works with disable persons so they can articulate their interests to policy makers or those who will be competing in the election so that the 2014 outcomes can be affected. People with disabilities haven't had access to political arena and it is a momentum to express it prior to and in the Presidential and house representative elections. Working with them will give access, benefits, and control to satisfy their human and political rights to take advantage of development outcomes.
The beneficiaries barely know how to use citizen media but there are some who have potential in sound/video editing & script writing. Most of them don't have access to Internet but living in the environment in which internet cafe is widely spread. Those in this category will be project focal points
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The delivered message would mainly emphasize on how disable persons coalition to votes can change the election's outcomes. It strongly advocates how disable persons and other minority groups coalition can change the political map in Indonesia by choosing candidates who pro-minority.
It portrays how they have been marginalized from development and points out what they need and want as a human in development process and shows how disable persons are not a cost-center in the development but they can contribute to succeed it.
The participants is expected to create advocacy videos and a short-documentary of living with disability to educate public that physical shortcoming is not a reason to give up your rights and politically inactive.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
Our organization has an audio visual lab with quite complete digital media equipment. Along with that, it has human resources from professional to experienced broadcasting students that are eager to devote their time to make social changes.
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
As a pilot, it will train 10 participants and it is expected they will transfer the skills they gained from it to 25 – 40 other disable persons. It is expected that they can produce at least 10 advocacy videos with different messages and a participatory-documentary of living with disability. These outputs then will be screened and disseminated via our organization existing networks i.e. universities, NGOs, community organizations, etc.
The targeted participants are located nearby and there has been initial conversation about the project. The collaboration can be sustained for the long run by providing a short training for the continued participants by our organizations as part of community service activities.
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
The technologies will include audio visual techs i.e. editing-computer, handy-cam, Internet, and social media. Here are expertise, but not limited to, will be transferred to the beneficiaries: a) Basic skills for citizen media use: using handy-cam & basic social media/Internet; It has to do with how to operate the tool and find the necessary angles to develop; b) Movie pre-production i.e.: finding a theme, writing script, research, managing resources, etc.; c) Production: movie making management, choosing angle, etc.; d) Post-production: editing, distribution, etc.
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
The venue can cover max. 25 persons and it is disable friendly with regular electricity supplies. 5 basic handy-cams and two computers will be used. The internet connection is using USB modem with 2.5 GB speed and if faster connection is necessary to upload videos, the Internet cafe will be used.
Pre Production
Audio recorder : Olympus VN-711PC
Digital Photography Camera DSLR : Canon EOS 50D dan Canon Digital IXUS 80 IS
Handycam : Panasonic mini dv NVGS 230
Handycam : Sony Mini Dv DCR-HC62E
Clip on wireless : Sennheizer
Post Production:
Player mini dv HDV Sony
Personal computer editing:
Windows 7, intel pentium i7, Motherboard Asrock P67, Memory RAM 16 GB DDR3, Hard Drive Seagate 1 Tera Bite, VGA ASUS EN210 Silent, Soundcard, TVmonitor, headphone
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
The beneficiaries is technically located in the same neighborhood and part of the local community. It happens to be one of targets of the university community service project, therefore, the initial relationship has established. If this project brings a positive impact and welcomed, then an organization long-term commitment can be hold.
Our organization fits to deliver the project since it has core mission to provide media and communication studies/education. Recently, it commits to contribute to support international development efforts using co-sharing facilities and resources. Simply, Rising Voices can take advantage of it to leverage its mission in Indonesia via the Communication Department.
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
There is no specific challenge to deliver the project but the participants commitment to sustain their participation and achieve the project outputs. This will be addressed by holding their per diem until they achieve the targeted outputs. Small incentives will be also given if necessary to motivate them. It probably does not the wisest option, but considering the psychological and cultural state of beneficiaries it would work to accomplish the project’s objectives.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
The project success will be scaled using two measurements: a) how its can achieved the anticipated outputs; b) participants’ most significant changes. The first looks at quantitative aspects of the project i.e. how many participants attended the trainings, how many advocacy videos and documentary are produced, how many people watch them, how many targeted policy-makers can be reached, etc. The later seeks participants’ personal stories/experience after getting involved in the project. It indicates the most powerful story of how this project transform their skills in the utilization of citizen media to advocate their rights.
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2013?
Dates Activities
(Assumption: project is agreed to be delivered on the week 3rd of April)
April 22 ToT Participants identification
May 3 Participants confrmation
May 4 – 9 Tot Preparation
May 11 ToT 1
May 18 ToT 2
May 24 ToT 3
May 27 – August 31 Direct Training and Movie Production
September 1 – 30 Dissemination, Screening, and Distribution
October 1 – 31 Final program evaluation and reporting
Detail a specific budget of up to $4,000 USD for operating costs.
Activities Items Quantity Frequency Amount (USD) Total
Trainer 1 3 200 600
per-idem and
transportation 10 3 10 300
F & B 11 6 4 264
Supplies 1 100 100
Group Training
Trainer 10 1 100 1000
perdiem &
Transportation 50 1 10 500
F&B 50 1 4 200
Supplies 1 100 100
Video advocacy 5 1 100 500
Documentary 1 1 300 300
Internet 1 50 50
Total 3914
Communication Dept: Screening & distribution USD 300, equipment: USD 200/day
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
It would be beneficial if Rising Voices is willing to provide online-free expert consultancy. This will help to raise the quality of project’s outcome and draw international attention to support the project implementation.
Contact name
Abdul Rohman
Communication Studies Department, Indonesian Islamic University
Twitter URL
Facebook URL
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