Train young purepechan people in the use of digital cameras, audio recorders or cell phones to share via social networks and blogs: their oral literature, everyday activities, traditional parties and local landscapes. With training workshops, this project looks to promote in them, the vision of a world that tends to global communication. In one hand, the workshops will cover technical skill development; in the other hand, they’ll talk about human development, so the maintenance of identity traits and skills development is guaranteed.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
San Andrés Tziróndaro
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
We would want to work with them because we consider the cultural richness of the purepechan language and customs are of high value; plus, through the work we have done with them, we have noticed that their level of computer or internet familiarity is basic, in the level to handle how to take pictures –not focusing or handle the light-, what an audio recorder is, turn on and off the computer, how to use basic tools of Word, how to use google, facebook and that’s it. We will work with native teens and young adults between 14 and 25 years old.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
There will be two content lines:
Audio: Using interviews -preferently to elder people- to talk about local legends and changes in traditions through the time. The audio part will be inserted into a video, so the most important part will be the audio, because the pictures will be taken according to the story to show what the stories say. The audio will be in purepechan, with subtitles in Spanish.
Photography: develop a photographic memory which includes reporting of celebrations, landscapes around Patzcuaro’s lake and everyday activities. Some representative purepechan religious parties combine prehispanic issues and catholic religion. So, the report will contrast differences between the host and neighbor villages.
Plus the legend series mentioned.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
The involved people in executing the project have grown in neighbor towns, which have resulted into having a strong link in the area. Besides, we have worked in a professional way with groups of native women and some others in the local High School in different projects and we plan to continue working there.
Besides, we count with the support of an Indigenous Regional Fund, called “Tarhiata Keri Patzcuaro, Zirahuén y Ciénega de Zacapu A. C.” and CREFAL who are an organization deeply rooted in the area.
We also have worked with the high school installed in the host village, which model has been developed to be applied in rural areas.
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
We will train 15 male and female people.
With support of the local High school, we plan to open the photography course as an extra-curricular activity; at the same time, we’ll invite young people between 14 and 25 years, interested in the subject.
Also, with Rising Voices Microgrant we will be able to afford some of the visits to nearby sightseeing.
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
First, we will train people in the use of digital cameras in order to take pictures, exploring its resources such as light, effects, manual and auto buttons.
After that the training will be to record audio. Then, the training will be focused in the basic activities to use computer; after that, in the use of “Photoshop” (for pictures) and “Power sound editor” (for audio).
Finally, how to use internet to upload the both products: pictures and audio files.
The technical skills that we bring to the project are: more than five years doing photo retouching, printing, revealing. Also, how to play with ISO, focus, and general theory about America plane, shots, midplane, close-up, extreme close-up; plus, skills to edit using video and audio programs compatible with Apple and Windows.
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
Since the workshop will take place in the highschool, we will count with enough space, chairs and light to develop that part.
The closest internet connection it’s in the next town, in order to get there people can walk for around 15 minutes, or take public transportation and get in 5 minutes or less. There we can count with 9 computers rented at special price, which can be used in private for maximum four hours per day. The download speed is 289 kbps, and upload speed is 153 kbps using an ADSL connection.
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
By the moment we have in execution different productive projects, with adults, young adults and we have had them with children. So, people have met us since time ago, and the relationship with high school teachers is supportive.
They have the conditions to jump-start the project, but teachers don’t know much about digital cameras, computers or internet. Besides, the government has no specialized programs to fulfill communication needs through internet and handling technology.
Since we have the relationship with people, the required skills to do the job, we count with the support of different organisms, we count with people who can translate theoretical contents from their original languages to purepechan; also, we like and are interested in do the work. So, we think we are appropriate.
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
Something expected is restrictions caused by mafia events in the area. So, when we have activities planned we could change the date of event, or if its a traditional party, we could attend to another similar party, inside of san Andres, or nearby.
Also we plan to stick together in group when doing excursions to hiking or go sightseeing, which will be safer for everybody.
And the responsible will carry with him or her, a letter from High School where explains our activities and give us their approval and support.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
We can evaluate the progress and general impact observing the uploaded pictures by Internet.
Also checking podcasts in a blog, related with San Andres’ legends.
Having the photography calendar up to date will be a way to determine if we are achieving our goals. We will say we have been successful when finishing all the activities planned.
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2013?
The general timeline will be on December 21st.
During May and June, we will have theoretical classes, where beneficiaries will have contact with cameras, they will explore applications and resources in the equipment. In May they will have the first group landscape working, and editing. In June, they will have the first religious party during Corpus Christi, where they can also interview elder people about party.
In July, we will start working in editing, organizing and creating blogs and the account where pictures and podcasts will be uploaded.
After that, people will take pictures and do related interviews: In August Corpus Cristi, and a landscape hiking.
In September: patriotic activities, and “The big party” of a neighbor town, during 3 days.
In October: everyday activities
In November: “Death day” celebration in San Andres, Patzcuaro and Tzintzuntazan and “The big party” in San Andres
In December: “Guadalupe's day”
Detail a specific budget of up to $4,000 USD for operating costs.
16 Cameras and protection: 2000
Internet access (8 months): 50
Workshop copies and materials: 50
Translation and travels (8 months): 300
Coordinator expenses: 1600
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
The permission to consult and use the “Introduction to Citizen Media” and “Blogging Positively” guides.
Contact name
Xareni Coral Camacho Carrasco
Movimiento Urbano y Rural