· April, 2013

Proposals Youth Advocacy from April, 2013

Finalist – Cambodian Citizen Journalism Project (CCJP)

  April 3, 2013

The project I'm proposing is simple. I would like to train up to 30 youth citizen journalists at a youth friendly NGO (asked not to be identified). I would like to train them 3 important things (1) blogging, Wikipedia, social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter (2) how to utilize them in a way that is relevant to their lives (3) how they can train their peers how to use them as well.

Finalist – Brazil: Our Rivers Speak (ORS)

  April 2, 2013

Young artist-leaders of Cabelo Seco, an afro-indigenous community that lies between the dying Rivers Tocantins and Itacaiunas, gateway to the Amazon, refused last month to perform on any stage funded by the mining giant VALE to buy ethical credibility. The youth will broadcast their stories & living culture, to explain to other communities, schools and leaders, locally, nationally and internationally, why the preservation & independent production of their own culture is essential to sustaining global eco-systems threatened by the industrialization of this essential and rich Amazonian region.

Finalist – Kenya: Girls Community Digital Desk

  April 2, 2013

This project is aimed at promoting the voices of young girls born with HIV through online media. The project will train 20 young girls between the age of 10-19 years on leadership skills and basic journalism skills. The girls will then take lead in writing their own stories to inspire, and advocate for their rights through social media. Their stories will be published on a common blog that the girls themselves will be in charge of updating. The stories will capture various issues at the community level which affects the girls either directly or indirectly.

Finalist – Maldives: Drug Addiction Diaries

  April 2, 2013

To make a Facebook group named Drug Addiction Diaries and through which; to provide a voice to the suffering drug addicts , who are very much stigmatized and dehumanized.They would use the Facebook group to publish their stories, how they suffered , how they fought the drug addiction and came out of it. In addition Scientific fact based information would be published in the group with facts and evidence. So that others who join the group would know the reality of the disease of addiction and how people suffer to get out of it. 3 computers would be placed at the drop-center for this purpose.

Finalist – Bhutan: E-ngage Youth

  April 2, 2013

The Project will create an increased awareness on media literacy amongst the school going youth and high school dropouts, who reside at Changjiji Housing Complex by conducting a series of media literacy/engagement classes. A local media expert will conduct photojournalism, digital storytelling and video-blogging classes. Through this training we hope that the youth will not only gain an understanding of how media functions, but also get their voices heard and be a part of our democratic processes.