We are well into our Practicum Period and developing our blogs. Participants have had weekly assignments to put into practice what they have learned during the Technical Training. We have been doing quite a bit of review but it’s proving to be useful as participants are remembering and learning how to do the various tasks on their own.
It should also be known that other members and groups of Horizons Foundation are greatly benefiting from having access to the internet. The Cenaclu (literary circle) and English club often utilize this new resource for gathering information, whether it's to find a Mihai Eminescu poem or simply an online dictionary. As a result, our groups are beginning to reach an entirely new level. During our social hours, interested individuals are able to set up an email account and get a crash course on using the internet. A number of the blogging participants are also active in these groups and take pride in showing off their blogs to fellow organization members. In turn, spreading curiosity and interest within their immediate social networks. We can only hope this continues to branch throughout our entire community.
Below are some excerpts (and translations) from a few of our participants’ blogs. They were asked to reflect on their participation in Blogging the Dream thus far.
Olga (53 years old)
“Despre program am aflat de la Fundatia Orizonturi. Am intrat sa comunic. Castig noi cunostinte si pot descifra taine noi. Participarea la acest program imi deschide noi orizonturi. Ca participant ma simt fascinata de nou. Instructorul a pus mult suflet si pasiune pentru a ne ajuta sa facem primii pasi. Am invatat sa scriu mesaje si cum se face un blog. Invatamintele capatate ma vor ajuta sa-mi potolesc nevoia de dialog si de a cunoaste oameni noi. Toate acestea le voi investi in dezvoltarea blogului meu. Asa m-am decis sa-mi cumpar in cel mai scurt timp un calculator! “
“I found out about the program [Blogging the Dream] through Orizonturi Foundation and got involved in order to interact and communicate with others. Participating in this program has opened new horizons for me; I have gained new knowledge and can now decipher things that were once a mystery. The trainer has invested much soul and passion in helping us make the first steps. I have learned how to send emails and create a blog. The knowledge I have gained will help me in moderating my need for dialog and meeting new people. I have made the decision of buying a PC as soon as possible.”
Geta (46 years old)
“Am intrat in program ca sa invat lucruri noi. Am invatat sa ma descurc putin la calculator. Participarea la acest program inseamna pentru mine comunicare cu mai multi oameni. Ca participant la acest program ma simt mai aproape de oameni. Instruirea teoretica a fost interesanta si am invatat lucruri noi. Voi folosi cunostintele acumulate pentru crearea unui blog si comunicarea cu mai multi oameni.”
“I got involved with this program [Blogging the Dream] to learn new things, and now I’m able to slowly navigate my own way on the computer. Communicating with more people is what participation in this program means to me. I already feel closer to people since starting this program. The theoretical training was interesting and I learned new things. I will use the knowledge gained to create my blog and communicate with more people.”
Andrea (13 years old)
“Eu am aflat despre acest program prin doamna Mirela careia ii multumesc foarte mult. Tot ea m-a ajutat ca impreuna cu voi,”Fundatia Orizonturi”, sa invat sa scriu pe calculator compuneri. Tot ea m-a adus la voi unde vin intotdeauna cu bucurie si totdeauna sunt bine dispusa sa incep un nou curs si sa invat cate ceva nou. Am intrat in program deoarece imi place foarte mult sa ma joc sa scriu si foarte multe lucruri pe calculator. Dar pentru asta mai intai trebuie sa invat cum sa lucrez pe el, daca e bine sa ma uit in fisierul ala sau daca nu e bine. Castigul meu din acest program sunt prietenia persoanelor cu care studiez impreuna si invatamintele pe care le primesc de la ei.“
“I learned about this program [Blogging the Dream] through Mirela, who I want to thank very much. Together with Horizons Foundation, she has taught me how to use the computer. I always come to this course with pleasure and willing to learn something new. I joined the program because I enjoy writing and playing games on the computer but here I learn how to work on the computer. My gains from this program are the friendships with those I study and the lessons I learn from them.”