The students of the Second generation of the School of Web-journalism have learned during last weekend the history of world base of knowledge – “Wikipedia”. Besides that, they have learned the skills of using and verification of online sources in making web-story. Considering that fact, “PBWiki” was presented as a concept for cooperation and team work. During the classes, the students wrote texts together by correspondence over “PBWiki”.
The first group of students was under the impression of the inauguration of new president of United States of America, Barack Obama. They wrote that on January 20th new hi-tech president of USA swore in front of the bible, walking after that into his office. Christopher Hass, official blogger of the president transmitted all the key moments in last three weeks. Conclusion – America is finally smiling. She is smiling with a lot of pain in legs because of the long walking on Inauguration day.
Is Barack Obama the Messiah is the actual question: “… a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany … and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama” – Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire”.
The second group of students looked back on other bloggers writing in text with title “Big brother's eagle eye”.
„In many countries, governments have blessed unfounded arrests, long lock ups, even tornments without proceedings. Publicity about general protection and trust in “Big brother” has increased. Video-surveilances are sprouting, documents with biometric data are establishing and large crowd are spending days in front of modern fireplace – TV. The subject of this week research in the School of Web-journalism was the analysis of atmosphere considering this topics in Serbian blogosphere.
Blogger Marko said: “Reputedly, biometric passports are condition for non-visa regime for Serbian citizens. German government has resigned under pressure of publicity from taking biometric data of citizens for new ID. So, what we are going to do now? Now it is Germans that are crazy, right? Of course not, they can do it, whatever they are doing, they are good in it. But when they don't want new ID's with cheep, crazy Serbs are late in development, stupid nationalists, the enemies of progress”.
The third group of students was interested to find out what does Serbian blogosphere look like. Judging by aggregate of Serbian blogs –, our blogosphere is not to big. The authors still have “confused thoughts” because they are curious for various themes researching.
Serbian blogosphere is one pretty livelily and interesting place. Anyone can find something there. Like old culinary receipts that has been truly treasury of (not only culinary) knowledge.
In expectation of receipts, travelers of Serbian blog-wideness, who have or don't have new passport, could run into a Vrtarić-My blog. It is a presentation of Miroslav Vrtarić from Čukarica. He is economist by profession, and fan of guitar, writing and socialising. With his identified blog Miroslav takes part in Serbian blogging community very successfully.
Report made by Dragana Banković
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