Latest posts by Claire Ulrich
Ségou Connection: Introducing The Internet To 800 Villagers
The Ségou Connection "cruise for Internet literacy" on the river Niger, in Mali, in partnership with the Loire-Niger UNESCO heritage project has completed a two-week training tour of schools on the banks of the river, with very positive results. Boukary shares highlights of his Internet literacy cruise.
Ségou Villages: Cruising the River Niger for Internet Literacy
The Ségou Villages Connection project in Mali is taking an interesting turn, in partnership with a UNESCO heritage preservation program. Boukary Konaté, a 2011 Rising Voices grantee, is currently cruising up the Niger river aboard a traditional Malian barge, docking every day in a new village to train school children and villagers to use the Internet.
Ségou Villages: Hacking Together Rural Internet Access
What equipment is needed to access the internet in the rural Ségou villages of Mali? Boukary Konaté of the Rising Voices grantee project Ségou Villages Connections describes how he is helping rural villagers access the internet by "hacking" together a mobile internet set-up.