
Talongokeno is a blog about two variants of the Kikongo language, more specifically Kikongo-Tsilaadi (or Ladi) (pronounced Laadi/Laari/Ladi/Lari) and Kikongo-Civili, run by two people whose aim is to give people in the diaspora and in the country (Republic of the Congo) a basic understanding of these two variants and to highlight the grammar, vocabulary and conjugation of these two variants, which is rarely highlighted.

The non-transmission of these languages by a number of Congolese parents, the denigration of Kikongo-Tsilaadi by a number of Congolese and the fact that Kituba is called “original Kikongo” by a number of Congolese prompted the site's creators to open a blog on WordPress, as well as many of the more popular social media platforms. One challenge cited by initiative creators is that they have received “tribalistic comments” on some of the social media accounts.

Digital content


 Contact: Bri (talongokenocontact [at] gmail.com

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