The Minority indigenous San people of Zimbabwe are living lives of poverty in the outer edges of society. They are being faced with serious adaptation problems.
Located about 220km from the nearest town, the San people are not recognised, their acenstral land has been taken over by cattle herding tribes and the Hwange National Park. The project seeks to create platforms where the San could be able to articulate issues affecting them.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Bulawayo (Tsholotsho)
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
The San, after being chased out of the Wankie Game Reserve in 1926, they have remained in isolation and are living lives of social exclusing. The San have not developed skills to seek and take up employment and are thus using as empoverished laborers. Education is never heard of among the San, very few have attempeted garde 7.
The San lack representation in any form, their voices are never heard. Their population is estimated at 2500.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The San wants to preserve and promote their cultural heritage by linking up with other communities.
Using Facebook, Youtube and cellphones will enable them to share their stories, including traditions, customs, rituals, language and are in the process of starting a community radio initiative that will create space for airing their views, news and other activities happening in their communities.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
3 members from from our group “Tsoro-o-tso San Development Society) recieved training in citizen journalism from Radio Dialogue and we have partnered with them. We are receiving mentoring at the moment.
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
Many from our members are very much interested in the formation of the Community Radio Innitiative and have volunteed to be part of the project. We are going to train fifeteen members in citizen journalism and three supervisiors in monitoring the program.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
We need capacity building in starting a community radio station, including training in broadcasting and equipment acquisition
Contact name
Davy Ndlovu
Tsoro-o-tso San Development Associetion
1 comment
Dear Davy, Thank you for your proposal. I live in the same country with you and you are already opening my eyes. Go ahead and let us hear the San story in their words and have our consciences pricked for positive action. A community Radio station is a good starting point. You might need to add literacy skills before moving up the communication ladder.Irene Dube Development and Finance Institute For Rural Women Trust