The project involves the recovery, restoration, classification and production of a digital archive of a part and some sections of the children's magazine “The Chaski” published in Bolivia between the 80s and 2000, for posterior publication in a Web Site who contribute development and integral education of Bolivian children in school age, creating a space for free expression and promotion of reading and writing through digital supports as a first step to stop the digital divide: proposing from the website an information and interaction place for children.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific population with whom you will be working.
Focus groups of children between 7 and 10 years in a complicated socio-economic stratum of Cochabamba- Bolivia, with a minimal internet access in their school or just out of their houses. Their internet familiarity is just for playing games of war or strategy.
Youth population is under respected because it is one of the most marginalized in Bolivia both economic and social and cultural sectors. In the educational aspect, this sector has no access to the creative use of media and appropriate to their age and their socio-cultural conditions. It is embedded in a social structure of poverty, neglect, violence, selfishness, where attitudes, ideas and customs foreign to the reality of the country are presented forgetting the rich culture and the values of solidarity self-determination.
Who else will be on your team to help implement the project?
Graphic Designer: Responsible for scanning and systematization of graphic and visual content, after completion of this task, perform the architectural design of the Web Graphic Design and Website Production. During the launch phase of S. W. will be responsible for the design and production of graphic material diffusion.
Computer Engineer / Web Master: Responsible for set / program the website, upload content, ensure operability and availability. Once you make the “lifting” of the Website, you are responsible to keep it enabled.
Educator: Responsible for interacting with children of focus groups.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The Web Site aims to generate an information and interaction place for children through a Web Site section wich receive the children´s comments, stories or questions to El Chaski – the main character- who will respond through the same section are published.
Children could send tehir own histories, problems & analysis of their Own situation
In the Web Site It will be published native & traditional Histories games & local manners and Tradicions, and traditional cook.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established or plan to establish that will contribute to the success of the project.
The project mid-term (18 months) aims to rescue entire volume of contents of the magazine “Chaski” (144 journals published over 15 years + supplements). We Apply the Raicing Voices a FIRST PILOT PHASE (15% of the project) to uploaded in web the entire contents of at least 3 magazines in their different sections: Research, development and promotion of cultural values national, customs, languages, health, food and environment; In parallel will continue seeking funds to finance the rest of the publications (85% slope project) During the 2014 year will looking for partnerships with the Ministry of Culture of Bolivia, cultural foundations, ONG and crowdfunding in addition in addition to a period of economic self-sustainability of the project through the sale of educational chaski toys and games
How many participants do you think will be trained in your project?
The workshop with a focus group in this first part of the project could be almost 50 children and their parents and 5 teachers community, neighborhood or school (to define)
Once placed Web Site officially expected during the 1st year (Since when It depends if found other sponsors) as direct beneficiaries: 3,000 children of school age in Bolivia + 500 users recorded as fans of the website and social networks linked to page + 100 educators, cultural managers, workers with childrens.
Indirect beneficiaries 15,000 children of school age throughout the country General population.
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
Digitally retrieve, visualize and position the magazine “Chaski” offering to the public of all ages around the world access to the historical magazine content through a Web Site. The high cultural value and universality of its content justifies the need to translate materials and paper documents into digital files and establish a new platform to disseminate their content through a Web site. The present circumstances of globalization and technological transformation call realize this project, linking past, present and future, as one of the most distinguished educational icons of history, is a cultural product of incalculable value that identifies several generations and deserves to be published in contemporary media that allow access to the new generations and migrants from Bolivia.
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
Data Display & one computer for children & teacher. Depending the disponibility in School. Almost 25 computers working in two groups. Probably 512 KBPS of internet connection sped througt broadband.
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
Currently I dont have relationship with the community to work but I think we are the appropriate team to realice this iniciative because I believe deeply in the social transformation right through the inclusion of children in society, respecting their human rights and giving them the necessary tools and awareness to build a better, fairer and more. And the children Magazine El Chaski has this content and features. Aware of their universal value and that the “Chaski” was and always will believe that contemporary think is time for the all-time Chaski transmit their messages and wisdom, undertaking a virtual tour of the World Information Network – World Wide web – WWW.
To achieve the above I have my name granting rights to exploit the brand Chaski and authorization of owners of the copyright
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
During the interaction with the children in the schools I think that the obstacle can be institutional apathy of the personal of public school where I will work. Other obstacle may be the fierce competition for the attention of children having as adversary the violent and noisy games on line they use to play. And also I think another obstacle would be that possibly I face the indifference of parents in that process. But I think that the educator to conduct workshops will has the capacity speaking children with dignity and respect to capture their attention, interest and participation.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
Quantitatively the impact of the project will be evaluated through the participation of the target population in the various activities of interaction with Chaski develop in the website from the workshops.
The qualitative assessment will be answered through the contents of the interactions and comments that children published in the Web Site showing a holistic approach and ability to perform and work in solidarity and a sense of justice and equity within their community and the country as people and creative skills and qualities that make them feel proud of their values and culture.
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2014?
Selección del contenido para digitalizar (2 semanas)
Digitalización de imágenes e ilustraciones (2 semanas)
Sistematización (clasificación del contenido digitalizado) (1 semana)
Restauración de ilustraciones (4 semanas)
Restauración de fotografías (4 semanas)
Diseño Arquitectura del Sitio Web + aprobación/corrección (2 semanas)
Diseño Gráfico del Sitio Web + aprobación/corrección (2 semanas)
Producción Gráfica del Sitio Web (6 semanas)
Desarrollo/ producción del Sitio Web + cargado de contenido (6 semanas) paralelo
Pruebas, ajustes, correcciones + Levantamiento del Sitio Web (2 semanas) paralelo
Talleres con los niños, aprobación y seguimiento (5 semanas)
Evaluación, realización de informe y concluciones (2 semanas)
Detail a specific budget of up to $2,500 USD for operating costs.
Scanner: $350 (US Dollars)
External Hard Drive: $250 (US Dollars)
Web master: $250 (US Dollars)
Pedagogue (workshop costs): $250 (US Dollars)
Designer: $400 (US Dollars)
Assistant Design: $200 (US Dollars)
Internet FOR 8 months $230 (US Dollars)
Operating Expenses (hosting + web domain, etc.): $270 (US Dollars)
Print release material: $300 (US Dollars)
Besides the microgrant funding, what other support can Rising Voices provide for your project to ensure its success?
Consulting or implementation suggestions
Advisory methodology for workshops
Advice for virtual interaction
Dissemination of the project
Recommendation of the project to other organizations that support this type of project
Visibility in the worl & Web
Technical Support
Information of Calls
Contact name
Cecilia Vlahovic Mendoza