Latest posts by Rising Voices from July, 2013
Rising Voices Roundup: July 18 – July 31
The most recent edition of the Rising Voices bi-weekly roundup features a lot of opportunities to apply for that we've found through social media... see if anything is right for you!
In Costa Rica, Women Bring Tech and Journalism Together
More news from Knight Fellow Mariana Santos and the Chicas Poderosas project, bringing more women into data journalism. Their recent event in Costa Rica focused on how to put a data-driven journalism project together.
The Open Labs Community in Albania
A non-profit NGO based in Albania, it’s both a hacker lab and a community that’s working towards a central goal: to share knowledge through open technology. Originally published on The Social Tech Census.
Rising Voices Roundup: July 3 – 17
Here is the second installment in our Rising Voices updates (3rd - 17th of July 2013) of what we've been doing, finding, and publishing online... just in case you've missed something. We hope you find it useful!
Rising Voices Roundup: 19 June – 3 July
We’ve decided to start creating a regular update about what we’ve been doing, publishing, and finding online. If you’ve missed what we’ve posted or want to take a look at some of our highlighted opportunities, take a look at this post and follow the links.