Rising Voices Roundup: July 18 – July 31

These past two weeks we’ve found lots of opportunities, so if you’re not doing anything today, why not put together an application? But first…


BCMD podcasting workshops

BCMD podcasting workshops


The Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy, one of our micrograntees, ran their first podcasting workshops with their youth Media Club. Check out their Facebook for more pictures, and watch ourblog for upcoming updates.

Our micrograntee Dizha Kieru working with indigenous communities to deliver community information, was featured on Agencia de noticias del Istmo (in Spanish). “En comunidades indígenas de  la Sierra Negra de Oaxaca ya camina un sistema de telefonía celular comunitaria, un novedoso proyecto social de comunicación sin nombre definido pero único en México y el mundo, que busca un modelo de administración similar a las radios comunitarias.” Read more: http://bit.ly/15qNuMu

And thanks to the Ethnos Project for listing us as a resource in their online database for development, ict4d, and indigenous language.



Film and Photo

A new Global Voices project, Video Activo, invites Latin American participants to join in a competition: Los invitamos a participar de nuestro primer concurso de video ciudadano. Las temáticas de esta primera versión del concurso son cultura, acción social y medio ambiente. Find out more: http://bit.ly/15qMK9T 

The Arab Camera Festival Rotterdam is accepting entries for work involving Arab language, direction, or location. Competition topics are: Between nostalgia & future; 10 years Iraq; New Arab Generation. Find out more: http://bit.ly/149hqs8 

Have an eye for photography? Check out the Picture Dignity photo contest by 1 Sept: http://ow.ly/ndrDE 

GuardianWitness challenge: Make a one-minute short film on the theme of HEAT. Submissions due 11 August: http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/filmblog/2013/jul/22/make-one-minute-short-film …



If you need funding for your innovative development reporting idea, submit a pitch to Journalism Grants http://journalismgrants.org by 5 Sept: http://bit.ly/13Kltz4 

The Fund for Investigative Journalism seeks proposals for investigative projects from independent journalists for grants to cover travel and other reporting expenses for up to $5000. Projects from ethnic media are strongly encouraged by 21 Oct : http://bit.ly/1b9YjrX 

Journalists from Asia, the Caucasus & the Pacific can apply for the Developing Asia Journalism Awards (deadline 30 Sept.) who have worked on trade liberalization and globalization: http://ow.ly/nhnby 

The Press and Society Institute (IPYS) and Transparency International are offering 12 scholarships to Latin American journalists for an Advanced Course on Investigative Journalism and the 8th Global Investigative Journalism Conference (Rio de Janeiro) – deadline is Aug. 23: http://bit.ly/1ccM9OB. If you want to read about it in Spanish, see here: http://bit.ly/13ueasm


The UNESCO Youth Forum is taking calls for proposals : Innvative Projects for Youth on the following topics: social inclusion, civic engagement and participation, social entrepreneurship and innovation, prevention of violence and conflicts, intercultural dialogue, democracy and skills development. Find out more: http://bit.ly/15Z2y2H

UNICEF has a call out for Youth Mappers to help on environmental issues. If you're 18-25, have a computer, and want to help out, check out: http://bit.ly/1324XHW



Speaking out! is a training course from April 23 – April 29, 2014 in Algodonales Cadiz Spain. It’s a training-of-trainers course for radios with a focus on new technology. Some questions they will be asking: How to design a compelling radio format or audio file? How do to help minority groups create a voice in which to express their cultural identity? Find out more: http://bit.ly/13oWbDA 

The UT Knight Center is running a free online course on Data Journalism starting August 12: http://open.journalismcourses.org/

And, in preparation for the data course, check out the UT Knight Center’s list of new tools for data journalism: http://bit.ly/13UGYt4 

Mozilla’s annual festival will be in London UK this year, from October 25-27 in London, UK. You can propose a session or attend, taking about open games, security and surveillance, journalism, and making the web. Find out more: http://ow.ly/ngha9 

Witness published some tips for activists documenting elections, with Zimbabwe in mind.

The P2PU School of Open round 2 is now… well, open (!) for sign-up. Take a free, facilitated online course on open science, collaborative workshop design, open educational resources, copyright for educators, Wikipedia, CC licenses, why open? … Enroll by Aug 4, classes start Aug 5… Read about them: http://bit.ly/13uEkdu

The upcoming Unseen Photo Fair has with an emphasis on undiscovered talent and trends and a focus on new work from around the world. “See” more at http://bit.ly/155VS6n



Pop Song Covers in the Inuktitut Language – Kelly Fraser, an Inuit student and singer, has been covering pop songs after translating them into the Inuktitut language. By sharing them on YouTube and SoundCloud, she is reaching a new generation of young Inuit who see their language reflected in songs they already know.

Chicas Poderosas!

Chicas Poderosas!

In Costa Rica, Women Bring Tech and Journalism Together – More news from Knight Fellow Mariana Santos and the Chicas Poderosas chicaspoderosas.org project, bringing more women into data journalism. Their recent event in Costa Rica focused on how to put a data-driven journalism project together.

Organizing Resources, Making Connections: The Social Tech Census – After analysing data from the 2011 Tahrir protests, a gap appeared between activists and the digital tools they need… the engine room's database became the Social Tech Census, a resource of potential connections.

The Open Labs Community in Albania – This non-profit NGO based in Albania, it’s both a hacker lab and a community that’s working towards a central goal: to share knowledge through open technology.

Improving Sanitation: Making Videos In South Delhi – Feminist Approaches to Technology is a group in Delhi, working to empower girls through video-making, enabling them to advocate for their communities.


The Nairobi iHub will host a panel discussion on the Draft African Union Convention that will focus on confidence and security in cyberspace, on Tuesday. http://bit.ly/12xyZIL

Hivos and the Indigo Trust have decided to co-fund AfriLabs, supporting collaboration between technological innovation hubs. http://bit.ly/15PSPM2 

This past week’s Guardian Witness assignment calls included stories of Syrian refugees: http://bit.ly/1cgkwCv

Benetech, a nonprofit developing tech for social change, plans to develop “Mobile Martus”, an open software app to help users around the world gather and organise information about human rights violations. http://bit.ly/17b2kEF

Peru has plans to give free solar power to 2 million of its poorest residents: http://huff.to/1dTzTip 

Shahidul Alam, founder of Bangladesh-based photo agency Drik, featured on the New York Times Lens blog: http://nyti.ms/1buUFYG 

Yepan is an online Magazine for Indigenous Cinema and Communication: http://yepan.cl 

Check out Beyond Access’ new website and their great work highlighting innovative libraries.

Media Factory will offer startup funds to Latin American journalists with digital-native media projects to “generate an ecosystem of media innovation by working with new companies.” http://ow.ly/n3All  

There's an excellent post up about Native American concerns and the internet in America. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/18Mb2wx


AND JUST FOR FUN…Screen-shot-2013-07-03-at-10.43.121-120x120

Want to Become the Voice of TechChange? This org offers technology training for social change, and they are looking for a new voiceover artist to provide sound for their course modules. Virtual auditions open till August 15: http://bit.ly/13cv4zo 

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