The problem of child domestic labour in towns especially the major cities of Lilongwe, Blantyre, Mzuzu and Zomba has become very common and wide spread. A random survey of 360 households in the city of Lilongwe reviewed that 323 households representing 89.7% had domestic servants. 78.8% of these servants were children between the ages of 8 and 14 years. 84.9% of the domestic child workers are girls. Many of these servants are obtained from the villages. They are highly illiterate, poor and hence disadvantaged. In the surveyed area child labour was discovered to be associated with the follo
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific population with whom you will be working.
The project will be carried out in Lilongwe. The project is expected to run for 1 year. The primary target groups for this project are the young people who are household domestic servants. The secondary target group is the employers who are the potential to either instigate or suppress human rights, abuse and exploit children working as domestic servants. It is felt that that has got an influence on the youth as such targeting the youth alone may have minimum impact.
these young people will be assembling periodically where they will be able to learn computer, internet, how they can share their issues to relevant institutions among others. Training in such programs will help children to know their rights and how to share the same with their fellow young people on digital facilities, e.g.
Who else will be on your team to help implement the project?
localThree distinct groups are going to be identified. These will be;
Group A; the traditional leaders
Group B; the youth working as domestic servants
Group C; employers and other prominent members in the community
These three groups have been deliberately established in order to have homogeneity in terms of social status age.
The forum will plead and reason with the employers of the child to allow them continue with school and education. It will be the effort of the clinic / centre to monitor the academic progress of the child. The clinic will also supplement any additional materials that the child may need to continue schooling in an event the employer may not be in a position to provide such material support. The support material include school boos, pens, uniform etc.
(ii) The
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
Information communication materials will be produced during the course of the project. These materials will be in the form of leaflets, posters, brochures, radio jingles, banners, fliers and T-shirts. These will be provided to the public as one way of publicizing the project, its progress and achievement.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established or plan to establish that will contribute to the success of the project.
The project team will seek full cooperation from the traditional leaders and local authorities to grant the community conflict mediation clinics and fully support for their sustenance. Fund raising activities such as utilization of the clinic facilities by non-target groups will be intensified. These resources will include information resource centre unit etc.
Participation and inclusion of the youth and local communities in the planning, designing and implementation of the project activities will be encouraged for this will help develop a sense of ownership and commitment towards project goal.
The trained youth from political party wings and community leaders will continue sensitizing members of the community and in their parties in addressing problems of violence and conflicts in thei
How many participants do you think will be trained in your project?
about 300 participants will be trained in the project
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
A PRA is going to be carried out by training leaders, the youth and the other members of the community. The objective of PRA is to get baseline data from the local communities of the needs and expectation of the project. It is also designed to involve the local communities in the design and implementation of the project. This will aim at developing a sense of ownership and commitment to the project by the local communities.
Two methodologies will be used to carry out the PRA;
(i) Focus Group Discussion
Three distinct groups are going to be identified. These will be;
Group A; the traditional leaders
Group B; the youth working as domestic servants
Group C; employers and other prominent members in the community
These three groups have been deliberately established in order to have h
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
At our own center where there are 20 computers and one screen will be used for all the project activities.
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
We have already existing relationship with communities, for this is where am coming from. In fact we have worked in the community quiet for a long period of time. Even when constructing the center the communities made material and financial contribution towards the construction of the same
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
delay of funding may be one of the challenges. apart from funding the other one is positions in which the communities have e.g. chief who will always want their views heard. Weather and growing season may be one of the challenges. people might be busy doing their farm activities thereby being absent to project activities.
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
Evaluation will be done twice, mid term evaluation and termination evaluation. A seven man evaluation will be setup comprising of the following;
3 representatives from the beneficiaries
1 representative from donors
2 representatives from Foundation for Youth Empowerment
1 representative from local partner
The methodology of the evaluation will involve interviews with key informants and administering semi-structured questionnaire. Review of the monitoring reports will also be done to compare with responses from the interviews. Afterwards qualitative analysis will be done based on the results of the evaluation process compared to the project indicators. The findings will be used to modify or change the methodologies of the project activiti
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2014?
Work plan
The activities have been planned from July, 2014 to July, 2015.
No Activity where When Indicator Output
1 Participatory Rural Appraisal Lilongwe June 2014 No of people interviewed 300 people interviewed
2 Training of Trainers (TOT) Lilongwe Augast, 2014 No of community members outreached 80 people trained as trainers
3 Outreach awareness to local communities Lilongwe September 2014 No of people in the community outreached 3000 people in the community outreached.
4 Training of opinion leaders Lilongwe October 2014 No of opinion leaders trained 50 opinion leaders trained
5 Training local youth Lilongwe November 2014 No of local youth trained 200 local youth trained
6 Establishment of CHRCs Lilongwe December 2014 No of CHRCs established 10 CHRCS established
7 Project launch Lilongwe January 2015 No of project launch 1 project launch
8 Production of IEC materials Lilongwe March2015 No of IEC materials produced • 10, 000 brochures about the projec
Detail a specific budget of up to $2,500 USD for operating costs.
Budget for the project
1 Production of civic education materials Assorted material, posters, leaflets, newsletter, T-shirts, radio jingles. 310
2 Training of trainers 30 member organizations, 7 volunteers, 30 youth, 10 leaders and 3 others (total of 80 members) for two weeks 500
3 Establishing Human rights committee centers The centre would require furniture and basic office equipment e.g. stationary 100
4 Community outreach programs Civic educating the communities on human rights and non violence. This will require travel, IEC material 800
5 Community capacity building How the communities can effectively address issues regarding cruelties associated with child labour. 200
6 Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring will involve visiting project sites, carrying out focus group discussions, interviews with beneficiaries and report writing. 400
Total grand= $2410
Besides the microgrant funding, what other support can Rising Voices provide for your project to ensure its success?
technical support.
Contact name
Sann Jali
Foundation for Youth Empowermnent