In the 3.5 years since Rising Voices first launched, we have taken an active part in a variety of activities related to citizen media. Some of these activities include the offering of microgrants for citizen media projects around the world, the development of citizen media guides, weekly blog posts highlighting our grantee community, and the sharing of links through our Delicious account. We have also maintained a mailing list that has grown to more than 975 subscribers.
As we head into the new year, we would like to ask our readers what else you would like to see offered by Rising Voices in the near future. We know that we have a diverse readership that arrives to the website for different reasons, and this is an opportunity to learn more about our community. We have developed a short online survey that asks some of these questions about what you have found valuable over these past several years, and what other resources you would like to see incorporated into Rising Voices.
Please take ten minutes of your time to complete the survey, as we would love to hear from the readers of the Rising Voices blog. Your individual answers will be treated as private and confidential. We'll share a summary of the responses through a future blog post. We look forward to hearing from you.