Latest posts by Eddie Avila
Getting to know Andria Piciau: A Q&A with a Sardinian language activist
Europe's linguistic diversity is increasingly finding a home online. Rising Voices’ @EuroDigitalLang campaign showcases narratives from language activists such as Andria Piciau, who will be sharing digital initiatives working with the Sardinian language.
Bolivian high school students want to redefine conversation around environment and climate change
"Although they say that we are the future of the country, they do not take us into account," say students who want to contribute to these issues.
The Socotri language straddling survival amidst the absence of technology
Socotra has long weathered the tides of isolation amid Yemen's shifting regimes. Marginalization has obscured its cultural identity and hindered linguistic progress. Today, Socotris grapple with sudden technological openness.
2nd Mayan Languages Summit gathers digital activists for collaborative learning and exchange
The 2nd Mayan Languages Digital Activism Summit, fostering learning and exchange among digital activists dedicated to promoting Mayan languages, will be held in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, January 17-20, 2024.
Battle of survival and expression in Jerusalem's Armenian Community
The Armenian community in Jerusalem, rooted in the fourth century, faces a dire battle for survival, grappling with challenges that threaten not only their freedom of expression but their very existence.
Discrimination against Nubians in pop culture and media
Nubians grapple with the harmful impact of stereotyping in media, causing feelings of invisibility, exclusion, and self-censorship. This in turn marginalize them and obscure their cultural contributions and expression.
Iraqi Assyrians struggle for freedom of expression amid political and extremist threats
Ongoing oppression, ethnic and sectarian conflicts, and political unrest have greatly reduced the Middle East's Assyrian community, endangering their 3000-year-old Assyrian language in its native Middle Eastern home.
How Kurdish language divisions hinder access to information
The ongoing disputes among Kurdish languages and their lack of standardization create obstacles to accessing online information, impedes the flow of information, and curtails active participation in the digital realm.
Meet a pioneer promoting inclusion through digital STEM education in the Yoruba language
Dr. Taofeeq Adebayo is breaking entrenched language barriers and the digital divide by teaching scientific and technological concepts in Yoruba through digital platforms.
Morocco's Amazigh pursue civic presence through linguistic rights
Respecting the linguistic rights of the Amazigh people promotes social integration and allows speakers to freely express their culture and identity, which results in increased civic engagement.
‘The media do not show what really happens in the Indigenous communities,’ an Indigenous radio host says
When you do a search for the word "Indigenous" in some Bolivian media, what do you find? María Jesús Velasco finds that the term is not reported on accurately.
‘After the fire, the media did not talk about the aftermath,’ Guarani communicator says
After the 2019 fires, Diego Encinas recalls that the media turned their attention to the Gran Chaco, but once the fire was mitigated, they forgot to cover the effects that today affect the flora, fauna and the Indigenous communities.
‘The media accuse us, Indigenous people, of starting the fires,’ this young Bolivian journalist says
Mario Quezada believes that the media should focus on providing information to prevent fires or pollution in the Gran Chaco