Panel: How indigenous communities are combating misinformation by creating fact-checked resources in their native languages

The Rising Voices initiative of Global Voices and the Media and Information Literacy Experts Network (MILEN) will host a panel during the upcoming RightsCon virtual conference.

Wednesday, July 29 at 22:15 UTC

How indigenous communities are combating misinformation by creating fact-checked resources in their native languages

COVID-19 has disproportionately affected indigenous communities across Latin America. Poor health infrastructure and the lack of other basic services have only increased these communities’ vulnerability to the pandemic. However, these communities are also being affected by dis and misinformation regarding the virus and its related consequences. Many local and regional fact-checking initiatives are primarily producing their materials for a Spanish-speaking audiences and very little, if any, media and information literacy resources are available in other languages spoken across the region. In addition, indigenous communities generally have less access to the internet where they would have the opportunity to access alternative information sources.

Fortunately, there are now some efforts to address this situation by creating fact-checked bulletins and announcements in several indigenous languages throughout Latin America. This coincides with a recognition that more and more indigenous communities are accessing social media platforms and messaging apps where they are likely to come across mis and disinformation, especially in urban and peri-urban settings.

This panel will bring together indigenous academics, researchers, and journalists from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, who have been working independently and as part of fact-checking initiatives, to share their experiences and insights about the importance of creating fact-checked information in their native languages of Awajún, Aymara, Kichwa, Wayuunaiki, and Quechua. Not only will they speak about the current situation regarding the flow of information in their communities, but they will describe the unique challenges that emerge when combating misinformation, including building trust with the audience, choosing the most appropriate format and tone, and deciding how to most effectively distribute the information and in which channels.

The panelists will be:

  • Yanua Atamain, Director of CiberAmazonas and regional collaborator for OjoPúblico (awajún, Perú)

  • Gladys Camacho Rios, Quechua community of Kalallusta, Bolivia, University of Texas-Austin (quechua, Bolivia)
  • Alliwa Pazmiño, Journalist –  Ecuador Chequea (kichwa, Ecuador)
  • Mileydis Polanco, Communicator, Network of Communicators of Putchimaajana  (wayuu, Colombia)
  • Ruben Hilari-Quispe, Professor and researcher, Jaqi Aru y Public University of El Alto (aymara, Bolivia)

Please note that the session will be conducted in Spanish.

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