Proposals Egypt
Egypt: Preparing and Rehabilitating Media Cadres
Egypt is passing by a period where attack targeting media professionals that appears clearly to erase what their cameras filmed of crimes that the offender try to hide. For example,...
Egypt: Arab Foundation for New Media
The initiative aims to support and consolidate the new media in the Arab world through the Arab youth training on how to best use social media to support various issues....
Egypt: Films Against All Odds
In the past few months, the degree of violence in Egypt has increased. There have been lots of cases of abduction, rape, torture and murder. Poorer neighborhoods are most subject...
Egypt: Network with Visual Disabilities
Persons with disabilities suffer from discrimination, marginalization and lack of attention to their particular visual disabilities are denied the right to learn modern technology (Computer) under ignored by state institutions,...
Egypt: Healthy Right Starts from my Voice Family Breadwinner
The project aims to connect the voices of single women ( breadwinners) in 4 Governorates to get their rights in health care system just based on the law of health...
Egypt: Blogging with Me to Support Local Industries
The project is a series of workshops held throughout the year in the provinces of Egypt to teach a group of young 15 years of age blogging and principles of...