Proposals India
Finalist – India: Strengthening Human Rights Defenders in Women Rights Monitoring
Human rights defenders (HRDs) already engaged in monitoring violations of rights of women belonging to adivasis, dalits and minority communities in Odisha will be trained to use mobiles handsets to...
Finalist – South Asian Comics Activists for Gender Justice
Our objective is to open up a debate in the society on the issue of gender equality and bring about a change in South Asian region. Sixteen Grassroots Activists from...
India: Inclusion – Including Migrants to Decide about Migrants
To empower representatives of Internal Migrants (IM) / displaced Persons (IDP’s) to express their issues on digital platform (internet), by training them in: blogging, record and edit audio & videos,...
India: Empowering Slums through Active Citizen Media
There are about eight large slums in Bhubaneswar struggling with poverty, unemployment, lack of sanitation facilities, clean drinking water etc. VIEWS would train two volunteers to use the participatory rural...
India: Advocacy for Forest Rights for Indigenous People
We are social worker doing advocacy for Forest rights ACT Implementation for tribal people to get Land Pattas for their cultivation lands , we wanted to do advocacy through Mobile...
India: South Asian Comics Activists for Gender Justice
Sixteen Grassroots Activists from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal will be trained as Grassroots Comics Trainers to further engage many more female activists/ students in their respective countries to...
India: The Speaking Rickshaw
The Speaking Rickshaw is a media pilot project, which focuses on connecting the socially excluded and marginalized community of the bi-cycle rickshaw pullers in India with the mainstream society and...
India: Strengthening Women Human Rights Defenders in Human Rights Monitoring
Human rights defenders already engaged in monitoring women rights violations in remote areas among marginalized communities will be strengthened on the use of mobile phones and internet in tracking HRVs,...
India: Support for Displaced Indigenous Families
Main Activities are to advocacy for resettlement rights and compensation through Citizen media, through to conduct training for staff on Photography , Video documentary on Case studies , how families...
India: Let Me Flourish
The adolescents, whose parents are working at coal mining, are deprived from human rights due to lack of proper education & awareness. Through this project, we’ll teach them Photography &...