· March, 2013

Proposals India from March, 2013

India: Connecting Tribal Youth to Social Media

  March 1, 2013

In backward tribal villages a network based on social media will help youth to solve their problem & improve their future with better living & opportunities. This network can help them to recover from what they suffered and also make them intellectually strong. We propose to establish a network that can teach the other people of these backward areas that with helping & understanding the values of each other they will enhance social brotherhood.

India: Tip4change

  March 1, 2013

Tip4change connects small scale producers in India with consumers worldwide through a combination of Fair Trade and micro philanthropy, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT), to achieve sustainable village development and stop exploitation.This technology tool mobilizes power of crowd for social change. The two way information exchange enable consumers make informed buying choices while producers raise funds for their development.

India: Leveraging Media to Create Micro-Entrepreneurs

  March 1, 2013

Our project seeks to train rural youth in a combination of traditional and new media to promote demand for and access to entrepreneurial training in a region beset by poverty and unemployment through: a. Street plays: A hugely popular medium in rural India b. Digital video: To film the plays c. Social media: Facebook/ youtube, to present role models of micro-entrepreneurship to a the online community d. Radio programmes for All India Radio

India: Bringing Equality Home

  March 1, 2013

The Project focus is on female feticide, which is one extreme manifestation of violence against women. Female embryos or fetuses are selectively eliminated after prenatal sex determination, thus avoiding even the birth of girls. Project will use the following tools digital photography, digital video and mapping. The project will achieve preventing declining sex ratio in Tamil Nadu and protect the rights of women.