Blogging Since Infancy: Award Winning XO Bloggers – Part 1

Last month we reported that the Rising Voices grantee OLPC Uruguay (Blogging Since Infancy) co-sponsored and supported the first ever national school Blogging contest for students in Uruguay who use OLPC (XO) laptops.

In the first post of a new series, we will highlight three blogs among the 10 award winning blogs. Jonathan Alvarez of Escuela 47 de 25 de agosto, Florida – (School 47, 25 August, Florida) got the first prize for the best individual school blog. Jonathan interviewed Rodrigo Martín Muñoz Salomón, renowned football player of the Club Nacional de Football team, over phone:

Rodrigo Munoz, Image courtesy Jonathan

Rodrigo Munoz, Image courtesy Jonathan

11 – How do you feel when you go down the street and ask you for autographs?

“Proud because people makes you feel good, that things go well in the team.”

12 – Why did you put as the nickname “POPI”?

“Because when I was in the eighth grade, I had hair like Popi Flowers and my teammates got me the nickname POPI.”

Jonathan also posts some tips on how to be a journalist. An excerpt:

  • You have to be well informed on a lot of things. To do this, every day listening to radio reports and television helps. Read newspapers and news from Internet portals, and see exactly what is happening around you.
  • You must always tell the truth about the real facts. And above all, never take anything for sure until we have sufficient evidence.
  • Tell the facts as they happened, without comment, so that readers can draw their own conclusions. In some cases such as editorial, column or criticism, to which we refer in another note, you can give your opinion.
Jonathan and Roberto

Jonathan and Roberto

Earlier Jonathan interviewed Roberto Musso of the El Cuarteto de Nos music group.

The students of Escuela 5 de Salto, 6to año – (Jumping School 5, 6th year), which won the First Prize for the best school for class blog, wrote about a video conference they attended in the University of the Republic of Salto Uruguay on the 20th of November, 2009:

video conferencingWe were invited by the Autonomous University of Chile to participate in a video conferencing from Uruguay, as part of its fourth congress teaching.

The teacher talked a little, with two Chilean practitioners on the (XO) platform, their different functions and tools. We also featured how we use the XO.

Then the teacher showed them some slides and talked about the experience with Dokeos. (machine translation)

Oscar Munoz. of the Escuela 5 de Salto, 6to año, which won a special jury price, writes:

school tripOne day our teacher gave us a piece of news about entering a contest with xo [..]. The idea was to prepare a project which ensures that everyone have a message for good oral health.

The idea convinced us all and it was well planned with the teacher. Then we all had a great anxiety to know the result. After waiting and waiting the day came. The teacher came with a smile from ear to ear, we all thought something happened, and the result was that we were first in the contest, we primeroooooooos!! And won the grand prize. We will go to Montevideo for two days – all expenses paid for trips to important sites. (machine translation)

Escuela 1 de Trinidad, 6to año – (1 Trinity School, 6th year) writes on the Ceibal Fair:

We attended the Fair Ceibal in which there were many exercises on the XO (OLPC laptop). Programs in TortugArte, E-Toys, Write (stories), Blogs. Here we show you a picture:

Students at Ceibal Fair

Students at Ceibal Fair

Here is a video interview posted in the blog of Escuela 1 de Trinidad, 6to año, in which Claudia, a mother of three school children talks how the XO laptops are used by family members too.


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