Rising Voices Roundup: Aug 1 – Aug 13

What's happening at RV

This week we are excited to be in Córdoba, Argentina with our grantee project Radio Los Inestables. They started last week with the first workshops teaching the participants about the basics of digital audio recording as a way to incorporate these podcasts into their weekly radio show, recorded live from the public psychiatric hospital. Many members of the Global Voices community sent an audio greeting in to say “hello” to everyone at the Los Inestables!


Participants from Radio Los Inestables practice interviewing one another

From the RV Blog

MediaShala: Data visualization in India – Meaning ‘Abode of Media’ in Sanskrit, MediaShala tries to make complex data simple and understandable by balancing it with aesthetics, a mix of design and engineering coming out of India. Most recent post in our collaborative publication series with the Social Tech Census.

Tell your Story Through StoryMaker and Win €1,000 – Use the StoryMaker App to tell your story and compete for €1,000. All stories uploaded on www.storymaker.cc are automatically in the race for the prize. Free Press Unlimited is looking for the best story which would have remained untold without mobile storytelling.

Podcasting Democratic Change in Bhutan – How can we learn more about the process of democratic transition through the eyes of a small Himalayan nation? One of RV's micograntees this year, The Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy, is leading a project to document the stories of this nascent transition with podcasts.

Romanticizing Indigneous People: Digital Barriers in South East Asia – Asia Indigenous People’s Pact works for access to all forms of media for indigenous people in Asia. A recent Indigenous Voices in Asia meeting in Bangkok found one of many culprits to be “romanticizing, stereotyping and criminalizing indigenous peoples in mainstream media”.

Health + Data = 2014 Knight News Challenge – The Knight News Challenge has just announced the topic for its next round of applications, this year with a focus on health and data.



Microsoft's new 4Afrika Scholarship Program will provide mentorship & tech training to promising youth: http://to.gg/o2

Scholarships open for Latin America journalista to attend the @gijn conference in Brazil and take a investigative reporting course http://ow.ly/ntlUu 

.@rntc offers fellowships for a broadcasting course in the Netherlands http://ow.ly/nEeCC 

Journalists under the age of 30 working in developing countries can apply for a @thomfound award http://ow.ly/nzANi 


Interviews with Monks... Photographs from micrograntee podcasting workshops in Bhutan

Interviews with Monks… Photographs from micrograntee podcasting workshops in Bhutan


Check out this summary of the “top 20 data visualisation tools,” many of which are are open source http://www.netmagazine.com/features/top-20-data-visualisation-tools …

Firefox is now available in 20 indigenous languages of Mexico http://www.mozilla-mexico.org/firefox-en-lenguas-indigenas/ … thanks to the work of the @mozillamx community


Social Good Summit Meetups are happening around the globe. Is your community on the map? Check it out at http://ow.ly/nR9zC 

@barcampnairobi 2013 set for August 24. Registration opens soon http://www.ihub.co.ke/blog/2013/08/barcamp-nairobi-2013-hosts-announced/ …

Upcoming! A Hackathon for Pakistan… If you're in the Boston Area, join Pakathon: A Hackathon for Pakistan to design and implement technology projects with positive social impact. Open to Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis alike. https://www.facebook.com/events/510943222300618/?ref=22


What's happening around the world

“Info ladies” go biking to bring remote Bangladeshi villages online http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2013/jul/30/bangladesh-bikes-skype-info-ladies …

Moving piece by @SyriaUntold: “We Need Freedom for True Art” on Syrian Pianist Malek Jandali http://bit.ly/1cGhQhK 

India’s indigenous languages drive Wikipedia’s growth: http://techcrunch.com/2013/08/06/indian-languages-drive-wikipedia-growth/ …

Check out this incredible map demonstrating all of the recorded protests over the last thirty years: http://ow.ly/nAyJv  #bigdata

@AfNewsChallenge winner @Datawrapper brings data-driven journalism to African newsrooms http://ow.ly/nvCsC 

Vietnam restricts social media posts: http://wp.me/pKtZq-4LS

To cover protests in Brazil, citizen journalists have taken to the streets, calling themselves Mídia NINJAs http://j.mp/19tcG9f 

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