Happy Mother's Day in the Mixe Language! – Mexican visual artist Silvana Ávila wants to wish mothers around the world a Happy Mother's Day with postcards in the Mixe language, an indigenous tongue spoken in the state of Oaxaca.
Online Course: Digital Tools for Community Radio Stations – Join Radio Libres for a free online course for community radio stations interesting in using digital tools to share their content and better interact with their audience. The course will be conducted in Spanish.
Social Media in Bilingual Environments: Online Practices of Frisian Teenagers – Researching the language use of Frisian teenagers between on social media in the Netherland's second officially recognised language.
Showing the Diversity of the Struggle: SyriaUntold One Year On – Syria Untold launched one year ago, exploring multiple ways to tell the story of the Syrian struggle and its diverse forms of resistance. Rising Voices interviews one of the members of the team, Leila Nachawati.
Casa del Bosque Foundation: Technopolitics and Activism in Bogotá – Get to know the Casa del Bosque Foundation in Bogotá, Colombia, an organization dedicated to empowering communities and other organizations with free software.
The Diversity of Protest Posters in Brazil – The Tumblr blog Cartazes dos Protestos brings together photos of protest posters that took place throughout Brazil in 2013, as published on social media.
Read, Write, Create, and Communicate With the Ideas Box – A new project by Libraries without Borders and the UNHCR called Ideas Box seeks to engage refugees by providing the necessary tools, content, and resources to read, write, create, and communicate.
A New Village for Yadua – The RV grantee project Tukuni Yadua experienced delays.Now with the inauguration of the new village, the citizen media project aimed at working with island youth to document conservation efforts will resume.
A list of university-based language documentation and revitalization programs for those working with Indigenous languages: More info HERE
Telecentre Academy is offering a free training MOOC with certification on Google Tools
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has introduced Privacy Badger, a new tool to defend your privacy against data-hungry online trackers. Privacy Badger automatically detects and blocks spying ads around the Web:
University of Texas Knight Center offers a free MOOC on investigative journalism in the digital age, introducing participants to professional reporting techniques, ethical considerations and effective presentation of the investigative story. May 12 to June 15:
12 tips for successful online audio and video: documentary filmmaker and multimedia storyteller Christian Payne shares his ideas for producing professional-quality audio and video:
Google tools for journalists: Nick Whitaker, media outreach lead at Google, led two sessions showcasing some of the best ways journalists can take advantage of what Google has to offer:
Free course on data journalism from the Data Driven Journalism initiative, run by the European Journalism Centre (EJC). Deadline May 19.
Grants open to Latin American investigative journalists from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador & Paraguay. Deadline to apply is 28 May :
Call for Proposals for Democracy, Human Rights, and Religious Freedom in Nigeria. The goal of the program is to address the religious tensions and violence in Nigeria. Deadline 2 June:
Crowdfunding opportunity for nonprofits with Global Giving, who can help you to raise $5,000. If you reach those goals, you'll earn a permanent spot on the site, gaining access to matching events, corporate donors, and additional training opportunities. Application deadline July 24th
Photojournalists (pro or student) looking to pursue projects of personal and journalistic significance can apply for a grant for Editorial Photography, sponsored by Getty, support compelling social, political and cultural stories. A total of five grants of US$10,000. Deadline May 15 More info HERE.
IJNet’s Arabic channel has launched a mentoring program for individuals and organizations with startup media projects in the Middle East and North Africa to equip participants with the business and digital media skills and strategies needed to help their startups thrive. Apply by 1 June:
Travel writing scholarship from World Nomads to win a 10-day travel writing trip across Europe. The scholarships will cover airfare, accommodations and travel insurance. Deadline May 15. More info HERE.
Smithsonian video contest seeking videos that document the world in the following categories: people, travel, the arts, the natural world, animation, the American experience and how-to. Up to US$2,000 prize. Deadline May 31. More info HERE.
Print and online journalists worldwide can apply for the Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism, honoring the work of freelance journalists and of local reporters in developing countries or nations in transition who often otherwise receive little recognition. Deadline 31 May. More info HERE.
MENA documentary filmmakers can submit films to the Arab Film Fest in San Francisco. Independent filmmakers who have showcased innovative perspectives on Arab people, culture, art, history and politics can screen their work at this festival. Submission deadline 30 May.
4 Ways You Can Join the #FreeZone9Bloggers Campaign – Join the campaign to free nine bloggers and journalists detained in Ethiopia: Write a letter, sign a statement, or organize an event in your city!
Internet Governance after NETmundial 2014 – storify of reporting & analysis