Eddie Avila

Current Director of Rising Voices. I have also worked as Regional Editor and Spanish Language Editor for Global Voices, as well as a volunteer author. I have been part of GV since 2005.

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Latest posts by Eddie Avila

Finalist – Honduras: Good News Blog

  April 2, 2013

The Good News Blog's objective is to inspire young people who are going through a desperate and uncertain period. Inspiring interviews, mentorships and images can be used as a reference...

Finalist – Peru: My Community Voices

  April 2, 2013

To train rural settlers in the southern districts of Puno in the use of the media via Internet to document their culture, history and own news through blogs that include...

Bolivia: Exteme Tarija

  March 5, 2013

A project that shows the need to form active communities that can promote its heritage, and based on the participation of the community members in the town of Tarija. Tourism...