· February, 2013

Proposals Ukraine from February, 2013

Ukraine: Building Collaboration and Transparency

  February 26, 2013

“Ukraine has severe and worsening problems with economic inequality, which in turn are fueling corruption and poor governance.” (Economist Intelligence Unit) Technology training courses in Lugansk for NGOs and govt will increase transparency and trust as well as maximize the reach of current services. Video sharing will help individuals create a forum for sharing issues and developing collaborative solutions; connecting individuals with services

Ukraine: “Media and Society”

  February 26, 2013

The project is aimed at facilitating the creation of the Crimean socially oriented media content with focus on issues that affect the daily life of the Crimean population. The project will promote the thesis that ordinary people can be journalists for their communities. It will include a series of actions that will allow to attract local population to the collection, creation and dissemination of information of public interest.

Ukraine: Building Collaboration and Transparency through Media

February 25, 2013

“Ukraine has severe and worsening problems with economic inequality, which in turn are fueling corruption and poor governance.” (Economist Intelligence Unit) Technology training courses in Lugansk for NGOs and govt will increase transparency and trust as well as maximize the reach of current services. Video sharing will help individuals create a forum for sharing issues and developing collaborative solutions; connecting individuals with services

Ukraine: Strengthening Civic Activity in Crimean Local Communities

  February 15, 2013

The project is directed to provide wide awareness rising and public communication activities using social networks in local communities of national minorities, it aims at helping civil society to become an effective force for political participation and defense of human rights, the main objective of the project – is development of national minorities communities by help of active citizens. The citizen journalism will be an instrument