Proposals Blogs

Nepal: Hamro Voice, Hamro Media

  April 28, 2014

According to a study by Babita Basnet, only about 14% of the media industry in Nepal is comprised of women. In a country of over 50% females, nearly half of...

Madagascar: Blog Awards

  April 14, 2014

Madagascar is a country where Internet takes bigger and bigger place. Betwen 2007 and 2011, the number of internaut has quadriplued. People look after informations, jobs and several opportunities. Blogs...

Cameroon: Climate Change Messenger

  April 14, 2014

The project Climate Change Messenger is a community based initiative that seeks to empower youth leaders in digital environment activism and human rights related issues. 25 youth leaders shall be...

Macedonia: Roma Culture Online

  April 14, 2014

Nowadays, the internet started to become a multicultural storage place containing information of various nations, cultures, customs and identities. Living in the age of the internet, vulnerable groups such as...