Proposals Madagascar
Madagascar: Blog Awards
Madagascar is a country where Internet takes bigger and bigger place. Betwen 2007 and 2011, the number of internaut has quadriplued. People look after informations, jobs and several opportunities. Blogs...
Madagascar: Malagasy Youth Voice (My Voice)
Malagasy Youth Voice is a project aiming at giving an opportunity for the voice of Malagasy youth about the future they want to be heard beyond boarders. In Madagascar, young...
Madagascar: TA.ZA.MI
The TA.ZA.MI abbreviation stands for Tanora Zandry Miblog and translated literally as Younger Young Blogging. This project is mainly intended to train and to encourage young motivated people to create...
Madagascar: Malagasy Youth 2015: Challenges & Dreams
we aim at bringing Malagasy youth voice to the discussion around the Post 2015 agenda. Through our Youth Leadership and activism training we will indentify 24 Young people and we...