Proposals Benin from March, 2013

Benin: Internet Voice for Fishermen Student of Kinto

  March 4, 2013

Our project aims to train students and teachers of lakeside villages to use the computer and internet. To get there, we will install a solar power plant with a capacity of 1000 watt to power the computer and two LED lamps in youth cultural center. A weekly program of 4 lessons for children and adults will be implemented. The computer will be equipped with the 2009 version of Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia to help children to literature searches.

Benin: Social Camp 2.0 for the Lakeside Village of Ganvie

  March 3, 2013

The project is to organize a social camp 2.0 designed to indigenous journalists and local administrators (Head district, school principals, social responsibility, etc.) for learning to use tools “web2.0 for development”, the creation and administration of their blog on the internet. It’s the creation of an open digital identity on the world and sharing stories that affect the lives of Ganvié, city built entirely on water.