· March, 2013

Proposals Ecuador from March, 2013

Finalist – Ecuador: Open Journalism with Open Technology and Licenses

  March 31, 2013

Many citizen and community journalism initiatives try to strengthen citizens, their rights and freedoms, but that cannot be done with private technologies and under the philosophy of copyright. It is essential that journalists learn about and practice free and open journalism. That way, information and communication can be democratized. Because of that, we want to train communication professionals, journalists and professors on the use of free technology and open licenses. The training will consist of an online component, then an in-classroom part to produce stories of citizen participation.

Ecuador: Citizen Podcast

  March 5, 2013

We want to increase citizen participation in the rural parishes of the region of Loja (Ecuador) through the production of fortnightly audio recordings with conversations with residents, and which will be included in the podcast of the #LoxaEsMás collective.

Ecuador: Voces Diversas en Wambra Radio

  March 4, 2013

Strengthen the exercise of communicating through the promotion of participation of several actors (women, young people, indigenous and rural population, and people with visual impairments) that have been historically excluded from the media in the proposal of Radio Wambra, Radio On Line as a space for community and citizen encounter on the internet, through a training for On Line radio production, podcast and blogs.

Eucador: Message

  March 1, 2013

The project is aimed at working with the Commune Silvayacu Indigenous Quechua, the Palma Roja parish, Canton Putumayo province of SucumbĂ­os, Ecuador's Amazon region, where they have no access to or knowledge of the use and advantages of digital communication, through Internet, to teach and encourage members of the community, start using the Internet: Google, Facebook, Twitter, to connect with the world, as a way to preserve and promote on line.