Stories about Tools from March, 2014
Resources for Video Activism: Witness
Are you using video to make your campaign a reality? Are you telling stories or filming actions with cameras - or your phone? On March 28th, we host a #GVFace with Witness to talk about tips on using video for advocacy. Here are some of their tips sheets and toolkits.
Ten Ways Educators Can Use Wikipedia
Wikipedia is meant to be a starting point, not a final source of knowledge. It is permanently incomplete and evolving, with continuous formal and informal review. Delving into that process, learners can explore critical reading, digital literacy and deep questions of knowledge. From Wikipedia's blog, a discussion of how educators can use wikipedia.
Media Group Aims to End Violence against Rohingyas in Myanmar
Ethnic violence among the Rohingya, an ethnic minority based largely in Myanmar, has rising in past years. Independent media channel Rohingya Vision has been documenting their plight. We spoke with the groups director to find out more about their work and the challenges they face.
New video4change Materials Published
Video activist or citizen journalist looking to document what is going on around you? This post gives a round up of available resources, information, and guides published in the past year for video reporting - all available in English, Arabic, and Burmese.